Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 250 Beauty Ring

Chapter 250 Beauty Ring

There is no trace of impurities, and it is extremely transparent purple. Even in the palace, jade rings of this quality are rare.

"This pair of purple jade rings was given to me by the late emperor when I was still the concubine. It also has a very nice name, called the beauty ring. Now I will give this jade ring to you, so that the jade ring The name lives up to its name."

Ningshuang picked up the box and held it in front of Zhou Ruoling.

Zhou Ruoling hurriedly knelt down, looking very frightened, her body trembling slightly.

"The courtier is terrified and dare not accept it."

Ningshuang didn't move away, she still bent her knees and bowed her head.

"If you don't dare to accept it, then this beauty ring can only stay alone in this box and never see the light of day. You are so kind, don't you have the heart to let it lose its luster in the box?"

Gu Qinglan: "..."

Why does this purple jade ring look familiar?

"Prince Princess, don't worry." The man leaned over to her ear and whispered, "This is a gift from the late emperor's favorite concubine, Prince An's concubine mother."

It's ironic to say that what the prince and concubine saw after their wedding was not the emperor and queen, but the emperor and his beloved concubine.

This purple jade ring was also sent by the late emperor.

When Shen Shu entered the palace, she once forgot to put on the jade ring and stood outside the palace under the sun for more than an hour. It was Jing Xuan who heard the news and rushed to take her away who was about to faint.

Ningshuang also persuaded her a few words, and then Zhou Ruoling stood up, restrained the corners of her mouth from curling up, and took Yuhuan over and hugged her in her arms.

With this Yuhuan, even if the grandfather found out about the three-day parade of the cousin, he would not blame her for Yuhuan's sake.

A useless grandson, and a granddaughter who can bring wealth to the Zhou family.

He will know how to choose.

Just when Gu Qinglan thought that the curtain fell and the singers were about to leave, she suddenly met Zhou Ruoling's eyes.

A bad premonition sprouted from her heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, she heard what Zhou Ruoling said.

"The courtier's daughter just said that she can't be praised by the emperor and empress. It's not self-effacing, but the fact."

"Everyone in the capital knows that the most talented person is the concubine. Compared with the courtiers, the concubine is the cloud in the sky, and the courtier is the mud on the ground."

Gu Qinglan's eyelids twitched suddenly, she could almost completely know what Zhou Ruoling was going to say later.

"That's why the pipa of the courtier's daughter is not worth mentioning in front of the princess's piano skills."

Han Qu twisted his beard in his hands, without raising his eyes.

"It's a pity that hearing the sound of the crown prince's piano was already a year ago. Now, every time I think of it, such a beautiful melody seems to be constantly echoing in my mind."

When she said this, and in front of so many people, Gu Qinglan should take out the piano and play a song.

Otherwise, it would be a loss of courtesy in front of everyone.

If Zhou Ruoling catches her this time, she might become the woman Zhou Ruoling said she doesn't know how to be polite, has no bearing, and is not worthy of this position.

"What you said made Gu a little curious about the sound of the princess' piano."

The man rested his cheeks, his slender fingers slightly bent against his chin, his delicate eyebrows and eyes were extremely cold.

It's just that he used to have a cold expression on his face, so he couldn't see the real emotion in the man's heart.

Gu Qinglan, on the other hand, looked at the man's hand that was gently patting her sleeve in surprise, as if to comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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