Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 258 Are You Willing To Give Me A Chance

Chapter 258 Are You Willing To Give Me A Chance
If she can't, she will kill now.

The man felt a little regretful about the current scene, as if he just bent over to accomplish what he wanted to accomplish in his heart.

His eyes could not stop moving around the bite marks on the woman's lips, and after a long while, he obediently put her down.

But he still held the person in his arms, refusing to let go.

It's not a compromise, but the princess's hand pinching his arm too hard, he dares to say that the place where he is being pinched now must be bruised.

"I heard people say that the princess is the most gentle character." The man looked at his arm resentfully, and then at the woman.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

Gentleness is nothing, can gentleness make her put down?

"I have also heard that His Royal Highness is the most well-behaved person." The woman shook her head, her face full of regret.

Jing Mo continued: "Although the concubine's temperament is not as gentle as the rumors say, no matter whether she is gentle or not, as long as she is a concubine, Gu likes it."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She was defeated, although she liked this exquisite appearance, she couldn't say this.

Is this the latest strategy of men?Wanting to deliberately disgust her to death.

If so, then this strategy is quite successful.

"Your Highness, Miss Yan is at stake now, why don't you go and see her?"

Under the moonlight, the woman's pure pupils were illuminated with a shallow layer of light. He couldn't see any emotions inside, but he knew that she was not happy at the moment.

As for the reason for his unhappiness, he also knows, but now he can't completely get rid of this reason.

He has a last resort, he has concerns to investigate.

"Qingqing, I'll take care of it." The man suddenly stepped back and looked at her steadfastly.

In her gaze, there was a burning warmth and tenderness that Gu Qinglan dared not touch.

As if she was being burned, she covered her face with her hands, "What do you mean by your Highness?"

Why pretend not to know?
Jing Mo sighed inwardly, if he said it so openly, Qingqing would not be ignorant of his thoughts, even if she had other thoughts, it would just cast a fog over her own knowledge.

It seems that as long as she doesn't know, his love will disappear.

He took her hand off and met her eyes seriously.

"I'll take care of Yan Yue's matter. I'll distinguish between her favor and her fault, and I'll figure it out." Jing Mo paused for a moment, showing a little helplessness on his face, "Qingqing, would you Give me a chance?"

He didn't want to procrastinate any longer. After the day's events, if he didn't express anything and pierced that layer of window paper, Qingqing would only continue to lock her heart tightly, and even add a few more locks. .

The woman had no choice but to face the burning and tenderness in his eyes, she didn't know how to answer, this kind of question was something she would never have thought of before.

Far beyond her expectations.

How could a pair of people who met each other and hated each other get to the current situation step by step.

"The concubine is His Highness's concubine, the opportunity... Naturally, if His Highness asks for it, the concubine will give it to her."

She clearly saw that after she finished saying this, the hope in the man's eyes split inch by inch, and disappeared bit by bit, never to be seen again.

The wind at night was extremely cold, she came out in a hurry, and she was only wearing a thin piece of clothing, but now that the wind was blowing, her body shivered uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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