Chapter 260

Doubts popped up in Gu Qinglan's mind one after another. Was what she said just now implying that this guy made such a move?
"Hurry up, finish the kiss... I'll wipe Qingqing's hair..." The man raised his chin proudly, and his tone seemed to be full of turmoil.

Gu Qinglan was silent for a while, then raised her head and asked seriously, "Did Your Highness overhear something? Or was there something wrong in my mind?"

She recalled it carefully, and made sure that there were no such hints or hints to this guy in her words.

The man tapped his finger on his cheek, "I heard, Qingqing means to give me a chance, but this opportunity will not fall from the sky, you have to fight for it by yourself, so Qingqing has to cooperate with Gu, otherwise It’s just breaking your word.”

"Dignified daughter of the Gu family, if the name of the Gu family is spread, won't it insult the reputation of the Gu family?"

Gu Qinglan:? ? ?

With a cold face, she "swiped" the handkerchief on the man's face, and then walked to the dressing table on her own.

It was already the limit of her patience not to scold by the way.

The man followed behind shamelessly, holding a half-wet handkerchief in his hand, and accused her, "How can Qingqing not do what I have already promised?"

Gu Qinglan sneered, "Then His Royal Highness also promised that the girl would be the crown princess, but she didn't do it. Even a man can keep his word, not to mention that the concubine is just a weak woman."

Jing Mo: "..." A weak girl.

But if she thought that she could dissuade him by saying this, she would be very wrong.

"Qingqing always says things like this, don't you think I'll throw up my sleeves and leave when I get angry?"

Gu Qinglan's body froze slightly, how did this guy know what was going on in her heart.

Besides, at this time, whether it's because of Yan Yue or because she knows what she's thinking, she should be furious and leave.

Or it's okay to quarrel with her and leave, she doesn't choose.

As long as she can leave, she doesn't care about the process.

"It's late at night, Your Highness, don't always think wildly, or it will be bad if you have nightmares at night."

"Don't try to change the topic. If Qingqing doesn't kiss me tonight, I will stand at the gate of Youzhu Courtyard tomorrow morning. When I see someone, I will tell him how Qingqing broke her promise."

Gu Qinglan:? ? ?

Is this an intracranial disease?Would a normal person say this?
"Your Highness, close your eyes." The woman stood up from the dressing table, walked to him, pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

Under the candlelight, the delicate eyebrows and eyes glistened with water, and he saw himself in her pure pupils.

The man obediently closed his eyes, and suppressed the expectation and joy in them.

Gu Qinglan curled her lips, with such an IQ, no wonder she was deceived.

She put her thumb and forefinger together, and lightly touched the man's face, and at the same time let out a "baji" from her lips.

Although he felt that the touch was slightly wrong, Jing Mo never doubted it in his heart, but slowly opened his eyes and looked at her steadily.

In a pair of long and narrow eyes, there was undisguised joy.

Gu Qinglan didn't feel guilty at all, she wanted to take back the handkerchief in his hand with a calm expression, and continued to wipe the wet hair carefully.

However, the man raised his hand high, and her hand was empty. Just as she was about to speak, the man walked up behind her, and pulled out the bamboo-scented handkerchief in his arms where she couldn't see it. child, wipe lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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