Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 262 Don't Want to Explain 1

Chapter 262 Don't Want to Explain
"The princess wants to touch it, so why bother to touch it secretly while sleeping alone?" The man's voice was hoarse, he restrained a little panting, and said with unsteady breath, "Why don't you go and light the candle alone and let the princess touch it?" Touch it carefully, take a look, pay close attention to it, and pay attention to every corner.”

Gu Qinglan: "..."

"If Your Highness doesn't move away, I will let you be the same as Zhao Dezhong."

Same as Zhao Dezhong?After these words went through the man's mind, he stiffened his limbs, slowly returned to his original position, closed his eyes at the same time, and rolled the quilt into a ball, covering himself completely as if inadvertently.

It seems that this can achieve an illusion of protection.

The sound of "boom" is the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Gu Qinglan couldn't bear it anymore and kicked the person down.

With a sound of "squeak", the door was opened, and a huge black figure crept in, and then stopped at the door.

Sneaky poked out a big head, up and down as if confirming something.

Gu Qinglan, who was sitting by the couch, hesitated to identify the black shadow.

"Hey~", the black shadow let out a grievance cry, and moved its four paws quickly.

Before Gu Qinglan had time to say anything, the black shadow ran directly in front of her, and then stuffed his head into her arms, moaning and screaming.

Jing Mo lit the candle expressionlessly, and while the light slowly filled the room, he could see clearly what the pig-like thing was.

The word king is on the forehead, the whole body is yellow, and the body is huge.

a tiger.

Jing Mo: "..."

He barely controlled his expression to look less shocked, "This, what is this?"

Gu Qinglan gently touched the furry head with her fingers, "Can't your Highness see it?"

When she looked over, the tiger in her arms also looked over, baring its teeth at Jing Mo, with an obvious threat.

Jing Mo pulled out a far-fetched smile, "This tiger, doesn't the Crown Princess want to explain?"

Gu Qinglan rested her chin on the tiger's head, and pinched her fingers on its ear, "I don't know why it appears here, it must be fate."

When she first returned to the capital, when the second senior brother was still in the Gu residence, the two rode horses together to go hunting in the Western Mountains.

When he met a dying tiger and saw that its belly was bulging, the second senior brother opened its belly and took out the cub.

Just put it in Gu's mansion and raise it in miscellaneous ways, and it has grown up healthy and healthy.

Then she put the grown-up tiger cub into the deep forest of Xishan, thinking that no matter how big the Gu mansion is, it will be surrounded by a wall after all, so it is as free as it is in the forest of Xishan.

It's just that I didn't expect to see it again now.

The smile on the man's face could hardly be maintained, what kind of fate is this?
"Roar", I don't know if he felt that the man's eyes on it were not so friendly, the tiger turned his head and roared fiercely at Jing Mo, as if threatening.

Aman who finally came after hearing the news looked at the wide open door in shock. Are His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess playing so openly now?Not even the door is closed.

Gu Qinglan patted it on the head, and let it move aside a little, while she stood up and walked forward.

Walking to the door, seeing Aman's shocked expression, she said without changing her face, "No matter what you hear, don't come here again."

After finishing speaking, he closed the door to block Aman's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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