Chapter 277 Wipe clean
Jing Mo's appearance inherited Jing Xuan's and Shen Shu's, his eyebrows and eyes resembled Shen Shu's, while his lips and chin were more like Jing Xuan's, especially at this time, the arcs of the corners of their lips were almost the same, making them more like one Carved out of the mold.

"Probably useful."

It would be great if what he said is true, and he can suppress the wildness of Rhubarb, and then he will go to the cat and dog room to bring the cutest puppy. There has never been a tiger that is wild or cute. If things go on like this , the princess will definitely forget about it completely.

"If it's really useful, I should have given you a name that seemed to be more eloquent, so that the person lives up to the name, and I can feel more at ease when I look at it."

Jing Mo: "...Father, you are joking."

The two talked together, except for the person who was always by Jing Xuan's side to protect him, everyone else took care of themselves. A few people gathered together or went hunting or praised each other after hunting or hunting prey.

"If you're joking, I'm joking, if you're not, then I'm not either."

Jing Xuan glanced lightly at the blood-stained rhubarb on the hair on his chin, "Do things yourself and clean them up, don't wait for me to help you."

After speaking, he drove his horse forward.

But Shen Zhao, who invited himself to catch a pair of wild geese, just entered the forest and wanted to leave secretly.

But the emperor had no choice but to hunt, surrounded by three layers of inner and outer layers.

And Shen Zhao's appearance is really wretched and suspicious.

So after a while, several guards in armor tied Shen Zhao up with a rope, put it on a long spear, and walked forward with it.

From a distance, it looks like a fish that has been killed, washed and ready to be licked by the hot tongue.

Struggling desperately and reflexively.


Not long after Yan Yue ran out, she fainted on the ground and was carried back to the courtyard by several maids.

Hearing the news, Gu Qinglan asked Zhao Dezhong, who was by her side, to take a look.

She was not surprised that this person was not dead.

"Wait." Shen Shu called Zhao Dezhong who was about to take a step forward, "What's the use of Zhao Dezhong going for such a thing."

"Mother?" Gu Qinglan raised her eyes slightly, puzzled.

It's been a day, and there's enough time to hang out. If Zhao Dezhong doesn't go there, then in the eyes of outsiders, won't they be guilty of cruelly treating the savior?

Shen Shuyu smiled sweetly, and a peach blossom was thoughtfully drawn at the corner of her eyes, which made this delicate face even more glamorous.

The wives who were sitting on the side were attracted unconsciously, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"Ningshuang, go and see that girl."

Ningshuang is the great court lady next to Shen Shu, and her right-hand man's position, letting Ningshuang go, does it mean that the Empress Empress attaches great importance to this girl.

Several ladies exchanged glances, and they all saw doubts in each other's eyes.

What kind of woman does not exist in the capital, and the empress should care about this one?
Could it be because of the so-called life-saving grace, if you can use this dangerous situation in exchange for the empress's attention, it is actually not worthless.

Injury can be healed, but wealth is not always waiting.

Just when these ladies started to plan in their hearts, Shen Shu saw that Ningshuang was empty-handed and was about to go, her eyes turned around on the faces of the ladies, and she said, "Why are you so confused today, that woman saved the prince's life, so why not?" It's reasonable, I should go to see her in person, but I let you go because I couldn't get away, why did you just leave empty-handed?"

(End of this chapter)

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