Chapter 280 Missing
"According to my wife's humble opinion, it is quite common for His Royal Highness to act and say such an outstanding concubine."

Gu Qinglan turned her head and nodded slightly, revealing a slight smile.

"No, if the daughter of the minister's wife can be as good as the crown princess, the minister's wife will be thankful."

Gu Qinglan turned her head again, nodded and smiled at the speaker.


After going on several times, she only felt that she had become a puppet who could only turn her head and smile, full of anger, and had nowhere to vent.

At this time, Jing Mo, who came back from the hunting road, suddenly sneezed three times.

Jing Xuan asked with concern, "But it's cold in the mountains, so did you suffer from the cold?"

The man raised his chin dignifiedly, his fingers tensed, "Perhaps the princess is missing her son."

Jing Xuan:? ? ?
He snorted coldly, whipped his whip, and the horse under him galloped forward quickly, quickly leaving Jing Mo behind.

As soon as the horse came out of the forest and was about to go to the palace, several people carrying Shen Zhao appeared in front of Jing Xuan.

Jing Xuan: "..."

"Report to the emperor, this is a person who behaved strangely in the forest discovered by the humble class."

Shen Zhao, who behaved strangely: "..." He behaved strangely when something happened, whether these people have eyes, he is called shrewd.

Several people put Shen Zhao down from the spear, and only two hands were caught behind their backs.

"Okay, I just said that this man has wicked looks, he must not be a good person, as expected." Shen Mo appeared from nowhere, his face sinking like water, with anger that he didn't know where it came from.

Why can't he be angry when he looks at this face?Shen Mo pondered for a long time but couldn't find an answer, and finally had to attribute this to his own righteousness, and couldn't see such a broken-hearted person.

Shen Zhao naturally didn't know what was going on in Shen Mo's mind, but when he saw his own father appearing, he was afraid of being recognized, so he quickly twisted his mouth and his face turned ferocious.

I only hope that my father can leave early, and then he will show his identity in front of the emperor's uncle.

As for whether it is shameful or not, Shen Zhao no longer cares.

All he knew was that it would be better to lose face after being slapped several times and then spiral into the sky.

Jing Xuan felt that this person looked familiar, especially the feeling between the eyebrows and eyes was too familiar to him, but this familiarity didn't last long, and he saw that this person's face suddenly became ferocious.

And the moment when it became ferocious was exactly when Shen Mo came.

Could it be that these two people have something to do with each other?Or did this "assassin" not want to be recognized by Shen Mo?

At this time, Jing Mo had already chased after him, but after seeing the captured Shen Zhao, he laughed outright.

Hearing Jing Mo's laughter, Jing Xuan confirmed the identity of the "Assassin" in front of him.

Shen Zhao.

Speaking of which, he hugged Shen Zhao a few times when he was young, because the raw Yuxue was cute, especially with a pair of round eyes, almost like a miniature version of the queen.

It makes him a little greedy every time he sees it, thinking that if he and the queen have a daughter, it will probably look like this.

Why did he look like this now? Jing Xuan hurriedly turned around to look at Jing Mo, and after a careful look, he turned his gaze away in disgust.

But he was relieved in his heart, fortunately the prince did not grow uglier like Shen Zhao.

Jing Xuan still feels that Shen Zhao's current appearance is his true appearance.

The inexplicably disgusted Jing Mo:? ? ?
Did he do something wrong again?

"Ah Mo, don't act in a hurry." Seeing Shen Mo picking up the whip and about to dismount to whip someone, Jing Xuan reminded him, "Take a closer look at this person's appearance."

 Five more~
(End of this chapter)

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