Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 293 Take the initiative to mention

Chapter 293 Take the initiative to mention
"The Crown Princess doesn't need to bother with Yan Yue, she's never angry, she won't leave in a huff, and she won't have any quarrel with the Crown Princess."

Gu Qinglan kept silent, broke away from the man's hand, and continued to walk forward.

Generally angry, the pace is fast.

The man stood still behind, and after a long time, he chuckled lightly, shook his head, and followed slowly.

It's so cute, he licked the corner of his lips, his tongue pressed against his jaw, and his eyes were full of strong emotions.

When they returned to Youzhuyuan, Aman had already ordered people to prepare the meals. In the yard, Dahuang stretched out his paw curiously to touch the bamboo.

Then he tore off a few bamboo leaves and put them in his mouth, chewed them a few times and then spat them out in disgust.

And the maids who were scared to death in the morning stretched their heads to watch curiously, and even eagerly wanted to get closer.

Jing Mo coughed, "Da Huang, come here."

The rhubarb who was having fun moved his ears, ignored him, continued to bite a few bamboo leaves and put them in his mouth, chewed them a few times and then spit them out.

Jing Mo: "..." He must find a way to drive this shameless tiger out.

The man strode in and slammed the rosary in his hand on the table with a "snap".

When Gu Qinglan looked over, the man snorted proudly, and said, "Gukan Rhubarb is disobedient now, why not leave it in Xishan before returning to the palace."

Gu Qinglan rested her chin on her hands and yawned without energy.

Before the yawn was over, Dahuang came in from the door with a "squeak", ran to the man's side, and wagged his tail.

Seeing the joyful wagging of rhubarb's tail, Gu Qinglan realized something was wrong.

Isn't it a dog that wags its tail like this?

It is said that when she was raising rhubarb, Gu Beichen seemed to bring a few little black dogs from outside.

At that time, because they looked the same and it was difficult to distinguish, she asked Aman to put collars made of brocade of different colors on the necks of several little black dogs.

At that time, Rhubarb was about the same size as Little Black Dog.

It seems that they often play together.

Thinking of this, Gu Qinglan became silent.

She stared at Rhubarb's tail that was almost wagging so fast that she didn't know what to say for a while.

It's better to wait for Gu Beichen to come back and beat him up.

Gu Beichen, who was sitting in the military tent thousands of miles away, suddenly shuddered. He looked around, with a confused look on his face, and quickly buried himself in military affairs again.

"Just now I went to see Yan Yue." Jing Mo took the initiative to mention the name.

Aman beckoned, and the maids who were waiting on the side retreated one after another.

Only Rhubarb walked up to Gu Qinglan, holding his head up and humming.

Gu Qinglan stretched out her hand to touch it, and said, "Then why doesn't Your Highness just stay there?"

The man's hand touching his neck was slightly stiff, and his throat was rolling, "Gu has already ordered Physician Ji to do his best to cure her, and to give her the glory and wealth, and then I will not owe you anything."

Gu Qinglan thought for a long time before she figured out what the man meant.

She tilted her head in doubt, so willing?

Naturally, she would not feel that the man's words were deceiving her, but it was either a deception or a truth.

That is to say, the man who bumped into the wall for Yan Yue's life and death changed his words, saying that money and goods are cleared, and that they don't owe each other?

It was the most bizarre thing she had ever seen in her life.

If Jing Mo knew the woman's mind, he must argue that he absolutely did not want to die, nor did he bang against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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