Chapter 310
In such a huge room, there are only two windows that are so small that they are not much bigger than the head.

At this time Zhao Dezhong walked away from the outside, and when Ah Man saw him, he seemed to see a savior.

Repeatedly said, "Grandpa Zhao, the Crown Princess said that someone will open the door."

Zhao Dezhong thumped in his heart, forced a smile and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. If there is too much noise and people from the emperor and empress come to ask, the servant really doesn't know how to answer."

Gu Qinglan naturally knew that her father and queen mother should not know about this matter, and that she, the princess, would not go after being drugged, so she couldn't justify it.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "Does Doctor Ji have anything else to say?"

Zhao Dezhong was silent for a while, but he still said that, "Physician Ji said, as long as His Highness vents the anger in his heart, it's all right."

After hesitating for a while, Gu Qinglan said, "Everyone is not allowed to come near here, no matter what sounds you hear, don't come here."

Zhao Dezhong and Aman looked at each other, their eyes were almost cracked with laughter.

"Your servant obeys." Zhao Dezhong drove the others away with a whisk, while he stood guard outside the yard, together with Rhubarb who was lying at the door.

Fu Ran poked his head over quietly, and asked curiously, "Eunuch Zhao, what do you think His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess are doing inside?"

After hearing this, Zhao Dezhong looked at Fu Ran as if he had seen a ghost.

How could this guy have the cheek to ask such a sentence.

"Guard Fu, how dare I talk behind my back as a slave about my master's affairs."

Fu Ran waved his hand, "It's okay, anyway, His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess don't know, so let's talk quietly."

Zhao Dezhong looked at Fu Ran with a dull face, only thinking of hehe.

Sometimes he was also surprised that most of the guards around His Highness were reticent, and there was only one Guard Fu, and all the words combined were not as much as he alone.

But this person's martial arts is so strong that others can't do anything about it.

"Eunuch Zhao, just say one thing, and I promise not to tell anyone."

Zhao Dezhong was so worn out that he lost his temper, so he let out a heavy breath, "A man and a woman are in the same room, what can happen?"

Fu Ran nodded thoughtfully, and then laughed twice.

Zhao Dezhong hugged Rhubarb and ignored him.

In the room, Gu Qinglan looked at Jing Mo who had few pieces of fabric on his body, swallowed hard, and turned his head away.

"It's better for Your Highness to bear with it. Ji Taiji said that this matter will be over with patience."

Ji Taiji, who was obsessively looking at the blood in the porcelain bottle from far away in his room, suddenly shuddered.

The porcelain bottle in his hand tilted, blood seeped out of it, and dripped a drop on the wooden table.

Physician Ji clutched his heart in distress, and hurriedly sucked up the drop of blood with a handkerchief, preparing to soak it in hot water to ooze out the medicinal properties of the blood.

Regarding Yan Yue's physical condition, Imperial Physician Ji preliminarily concluded that there were some components in her blood that made her body stronger than ordinary people.

Maybe it was because she had taken some incredible medicine before, that's why this happened.

Naturally, such a conclusion is only his preliminary guess, as for what it is, we have to wait for further investigation.

In a few moments, the man had already walked in front of her, holding the door with one hand, and wrapped her in his arms.

Yubai's small face was filled with a light pink color, causing the man to lick the corner of his lips involuntarily, and his eyes gradually darkened.

Her throat rolled slightly, and she tried her best to suppress the emotion in her eyes, for fear of being too out of control and scaring the people in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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