Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 313 Like a Fool

Chapter 313 Like a Fool
In the eyes is the delicate white face of a woman who never gets tired of looking at it. Although he looked a little flustered because of his words, the man still raised his lips and smiled.

Unbearably, he leaned his half of his body on Gu Qinglan's body without any scruples, his scorching skin seemed to be hotter than the charcoal fire.

"Qingqing, this medicinal power can't control me to say what I don't want to say." Jing Mo's exquisite eyebrows and eyes were slightly focused, and his eyes were lowered to hide the imminent mountain rain and the turbulent sea. "Every word is true, and the words are from the heart."

"I like you, more than anyone else in this world."

"I don't know where to start, but as soon as I see you, I feel joy in my heart, even if I look at it from a distance, I feel satisfied."

"Qingqing, trust me, I really..." Jing Mo sensed that the anger in his heart was about to become uncontrollable, he pressed the wound indifferently, the short pain made him pause, and then continued, "I didn't lie to you .”


Gu Qinglan was really astonished. No matter how alert she was, she was only a woman in her eighth year, and she had never dealt with such a passionate relationship.

She didn't doubt that what Jing Mo said at this time was false, but she just felt at a loss.

How did things end up like this?

She seemed to be on the edge of a cliff, with nowhere to retreat, but she didn't seem to want to retreat either.

Gu Qinglan put her hands around the man's neck, and her fingers unconsciously rubbed the man's shoulder.

Jing Mo couldn't help being stunned by this kind of action, and then the joy in his heart was like a volcano that was about to erupt, and he couldn't hide it, and couldn't hide it.

It's so directly shown on the face, it looks silly, and there is no shrewdness in the past.

She leaned back, and when she saw the stunned look on the man's face, she couldn't help chuckling.

"Your Highness is acting like a fool, not moving."

A pair of almond eyes were filled with a hopeful smile, and suddenly, she stood on tiptoe and did something she always wanted to do.

She bit the small bead on the man's lip, first bit hard, and when the man was in pain, she licked it gently as if to comfort him.

This time Jing Mo was completely awake, his long and narrow eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy.

Not because Gu Qinglan took the initiative to kiss him, but because of the deep meaning behind the initiative.

She accepted his words and believed him.

With the only strength in his hands, the man hugged the woman directly on his body and walked towards the inner room.

The long crow-colored hair was swaying in the air, she stepped back, and looked at that place casually, the bright red with a shallow dew, made her look more and more coquettish.

Very gently, she bit the man's chin lightly, and smiled when she saw the bite marks on her fair skin.

Although the distance was only a few steps, Jing Mo walked a very long time.

His body was stiff, and he opened the bead curtain with great effort, went inside, and directly placed him on the couch.

When he was about to lean over, Gu Qinglan stretched out her slender fingers and pressed them against his chest.

The eyes are full of water, and the style is also infinite.

"What if His Highness violates what he said one day?" She asked casually.

While saying this, her gaze involuntarily fell on the bright red mole on the man's abdomen.

With just one glance, she could hardly restrain the deeply hidden desire churning in her heart.

Between the two of them, when it comes to talking, Gu Qinglan doesn't think she is so cold-hearted and can withdraw at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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