Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 315 Unreasonable

Chapter 315 Unreasonable

In the middle of the night, Zhao Dezhong guarded the door worriedly, looking inside from time to time with his head hooked.

It's just separated by a door, no matter how much he looks, he can't see the slightest scene inside.

Aman, who was hiding next to him, was not as worried as he was, and slept soundly under the eaves with a blanket in his arms.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear her faint snoring, like a kitten.

Seeing this, Zhao Dezhong almost shed tears of envy.

In front of Nian Xia was Wei Yu who was about to have a few drinks but was suddenly called.

He looked at Nian Xia with a dark face, then pulled out the folding fan at his waist, lifted Nian Xia's chin, and looked at it carefully.

"It's a beauty." He pulled the fan away, casually put it aside, and leaned against the wall without any image.

Ask Fu Ran, "You said she was the one who drugged her?"

He thought he had some experience in seeing people, and the maid's appearance was considered average in the palace. If she said that she gambled and drugged the prince for the sake of glory and wealth, it was indeed very possible.

After all, the East Palace is now only the crown prince and concubine, and the crown prince has no heirs. Everyone knows that a mother is more expensive than a child.

It's not uncommon to have such a move.

It's just that this person's eyes are clear, and he doesn't look like he is clinging to the powerful.

"His Royal Highness drank her ginseng soup, so...cough...they are all men, you understand." Fu Ran winked at Wei Yu.

Wei Yu cast a slanted glance at Fu Ran, "What are you doing here, not guarding His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Fu Ran clicked his tongue, "You are really stupid. If I was there at this time and heard something that shouldn't be heard, His Highness will definitely not let me go."

Wei Yu: ... If you really don't let him go, it's better to punish him for digging coal.

Fu Ran didn't realize what Wei Yu was thinking, so he still patted Wei Yu on the shoulder, looking like two good brothers, "Wei Yu, see if you can get some medicine from this palace lady later, and show it to me. "

Wei Yu: "..." What a ghost, why did he listen to this guy's nonsense in the middle of the night.

"Did you make the ginseng soup?" He ignored Fu Ran, and sat aside by himself, looking at Nian Xia who was kneeling on the ground with his hands tied.

Nian Xia was silent, his expression was in a trance.

Wei Yu raised his eyebrows and stood up, just when Fu Ran thought he felt sorry for him.

He raised the teacup in his hand, opened the lid, and poured the cold tea on it.

Nian Xia's fair face was instantly covered with light brown tea, with a few pieces of tea leaves sticking here and there.

"Are you awake now?" The boy's voice was cold and indifferent.

Nian Xia raised her eyes in a daze, "Master Wei, the servants are wronged."

"Although the ginseng soup was boiled by the servants themselves, the servants dare to swear to God that they never tampered with the ginseng soup."

Wei Yu unconsciously twirled the fan in his hand, "It's too thin for you to say only these two sentences, and it's really hard for me to convince you."

"Is there any other evidence, or has this ginseng soup passed through other people's hands?"

Wei Yu's reminder was obvious enough, he felt that the court lady looked at her duty, her eyes were clear, she really didn't look like she wanted to drug the prince to seduce him.

The person he suspected was Yan Yue, the maid's master.

But if that were the case, things would seem even more unreasonable.

Everyone knows that Yan Yue's entry into the East Palace is a certainty, so why should she bother to find a rival for her favor.

Not to mention, the beauty of this court lady is far above her.

(End of this chapter)

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