Chapter 317 Unexpected
The pain from the chin made Nian Xia sober, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a guess suddenly grew quietly in his heart.

"After the servant made the ginseng soup, Miss Yan said that the servant smelled of smoke and fire in the dining room, and asked the servant to change into clean clothes."

"Change clothes? So that means, Yan Yue has a chance to put medicine in the ginseng soup?"

Nian Xia hurriedly lowered her head, her voice trembling, "I dare not."

Seeing her panicked appearance, Wei Yu sneered, "You are loyal enough, but in this world, not all loyalty is right."

"Following the wrong master, knowing that what she did was wrong, but still wanting to defend her, that's foolish loyalty."


Nian Xia was uneasy, but also seemed to have made up her mind, "Miss Yan looks like she is dissatisfied with the Crown Princess."

There is no need for Nian Xia to say this, Wei Yu can guess it.

It's just that if he stepped forward and used this ginseng soup, Wei Yu wouldn't feel so strange.

However, she actually sent a maid to go, and this maid happened to be assigned to serve her there.

It is impossible to think of sympathizing with His Royal Highness, so he sent a woman for him.

Unless the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, and the sea flows backwards, it is impossible for Yan Yue to have such an idea.

"Miss Yan also said that her status is low and she is not worthy of the position of Feng Yi. She wants His Royal Highness and Princess Concubine to give her a suitable position in the palace again. If she finds it difficult, she can give a Zhuangzi to let her live for the rest of her life. .”

"It's really what she said?" Wei Yu raised his eyebrows, really confused.

The matter of the former An Wang Jingyu was handled by him, among which, he was very clear about what role Yan Yue played in it.

He also told His Highness the Crown Prince before, but His Highness the Crown Prince was like lard covered his heart, and he couldn't listen to half a word.

To be able to say these words from the heart, unless Yan Yue's brain is broken, or he has lost his mind.

If she didn't say it out of her heart, why did she design a maid to seduce His Highness the Crown Prince?

And this medicine, Acacia, the banned medicine from the previous dynasty, how could she get it.

In fact, it is said to be a banned drug, but it is listed as a banned drug in this dynasty.

As an emotional object for men and women, although the effect of acacia is strong, it does not hurt the body, otherwise it would not be used by the royal family of the previous dynasty.

And it is listed as a banned drug in this dynasty, but because the examples of the previous dynasty are still there.

The excessive licentiousness is also an extremely important reason for its demise.

"Let her go." Wei Yu said to the person behind Nian Xia.

Nian Xia's hands were tied and she knelt on the ground. After a while, her knees were so painful that she almost couldn't feel it.

The hand was released, and there was no support for a moment, and she fell directly to the ground.

Wei Yu stepped forward, Nian Xia only saw a pair of pure black boots, each with a very clear red gemstone inlaid on the top of the boots.

He threw down the handkerchief just now, and it fell lightly into Nian Xia's hand.

She moved her fingers, as if trying to grab something, but finally regained her composure.

"Go and clean up, and then come back. After the investigation is over, if the matter has nothing to do with you, then that's all. Whatever you were before is what you are now. If there is anything to do with it, the punishment you deserve will not be less."

Nian Xia's lips trembled slightly, "My servant, thank you Lord Wei for your kindness."

This was a situation she could never wish for again. At first, she thought that she would be directly killed with a stick, or even if it was better, she would be demoted to the lowest level of a servant or a criminal slave. She never expected that Master Wei would help her.

(End of this chapter)

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