Chapter 322
"Your Highness, let's eat."

Surrounded by such lingering gazes, Gu Qinglan couldn't resist, and subconsciously handed over the cup of tonic soup in front of her.

Jing Mo slowly picked up the spoon and took a sip before saying, "This soup is good."

After a while, Gu Qinglan took the handkerchief on the side, wiped the corners of her lips, and asked, "Does your Highness know how to deal with the person who prescribed the medicine?"

Jing Mo raised his eyes, and there was a moment of doubt on his face, "What are you dealing with, I should be grateful to her."

Gu Qinglan looked over coolly, and Jing Mo quickly changed his words, "Gu has asked Wei Yu to interrogate her, and I believe the result will come out soon.

"Just now, Imperial Physician Ji said that Qingqing's body is weak, and she should always eat more to replenish her body."

Seeing that Gu Qinglan had put down the spoon, Jing Mo cast a disapproving look.

Gu Qinglan only felt the blue veins on her forehead twitch violently. If you observe carefully, you will find a thin layer of red on her slender white cheeks.

"Do you want me to repeat what Ji Taiji said to you?" Gu Qinglan's eyes seemed to be burning with small flames.

Originally, Imperial Physician Ji came here to take Jing Mo's pulse, to see if there were any remaining medicinal properties in his body.

It's just that Jing Mo went to take the rhubarb for a walk, and didn't have a chance to check the pulse of Imperial Physician Ji.

Physician Ji thought that he had already come here, so he couldn't just go back without doing anything.

Then Gu Qinglan got up and took a pulse.

Then Imperial Physician Ji only said that Gu Qinglan was weak and exhausted, and there was nothing serious about it.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the court ladies and eunuchs present became a little complicated.

Naturally, they are the most aware of the cause of excessive fatigue.

Jing Mo smiled sarcastically, "I will pay more attention next time."

Gu Qinglan patted the table with a "slap", and under Jing Mo's frightened eyes, the table just swayed and did not crack.

"Do you want another time?"

If it's something else, a compromise is a compromise, but when it comes to eating meat, it's impossible for Jing Mo to back down a step.

Not even a temporary coax.

He said stubbornly, "Why can't there be a next time? Not only do I want a next time, I want a next time, every day."

Gu Qinglan pointed at the door with a blank face, "Get out."

Upon closer inspection, the thin blush on her face seemed to be the best rouge applied on her fair cheeks, which was charming and charming.

If she could really obey so easily, then it would not be the Jing Mo she knew.

I saw him holding Gu Qinglan's outstretched hand with one hand, and kissed it at an extremely fast speed, his eyes were clear and tender, "Don't get lost."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

In terms of thick-skinnedness, the second senior brother was already photographed on the beach after the waves.

"His Royal Highness, Wei Yu has something to report." Zhao Dezhong poked his head out quietly, knocked heavily on the door, and then shouted at the top of his voice.

Gu Qinglan took the opportunity to withdraw her hand and sat upright.

"Go to the study on the right." Jing Mo said with a stern face and a cold tone.

Probably because he also talks like this on weekdays, so Zhao Dezhong didn't notice anything wrong.

I just faintly felt a cool breeze rushing down my back.

"I have already told my mother and queen that Qingqing will rest in the house today and don't go anywhere."

The same mother said it?

All of Gu Qinglan's attention was involuntarily attracted by the man's first sentence.

So, the Queen Mother and Concubine Ru must also know what happened last night?

Gu Qinglan pointed at Jing Mo with trembling fingers.


(End of this chapter)

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