Chapter 327 Manly

The carriage drove slowly, the man squeezed his cuffs fiercely, and looked fiercely at the girl on the woman's lap.

I stayed here when I came, and I still stay here when I go back.

Does she not have a carriage?

Even if Gu Qinglan didn't look over there, she could feel the man's sad eyes.

Her eyelids trembled, and she moved a little to the side.

"Yonghe is so cute." She touched Yonghe's Baotou, on it was a bead flower strung together with tiny pearls, and the stamens were made of rubies, which looked very delicate.

In Jing Mo's eyes, Yonghe has now become an out-and-out fairy who attracts Gu Qinglan's attention.

So even though it was his own sister, he still stared at her.

Yonghe didn't know why, seeing Jing Mo staring at her all the time, she was startled, and quickly got into Gu Qinglan's arms, holding her neck with two chubby little hands, rubbing her small face in front of those beautiful collarbones .

He said in his mouth, "Sister and sister, the prince's brother glared at Yonghe, Yonghe is so scared."

Jing Mo: I... Bah...

Gu Qinglan turned her head and looked over. The man was sitting aside very obediently, with his hands on his knees, his black and white pupils were clean and penetrating.

"Why is Qingqing looking at me like this?"

Gu Qinglan's eyes changed slightly, and he glanced lightly, "Your Highness can't speak again?"

Yonghe is next to her, so she cannot be called Qingqing.

Jing Mo felt more and more angry in his heart, wishing to let Yonghe feel what it means to be sinister.

"Why does the princess look at Gu like this?"

Every word has the taste of grievance and grievance.

Yonghe's eyes widened, and he grasped the words just now, "Qingqing, why does the elder brother of the crown prince call his elder sister Qingqing?"

Gu Qinglan: "..."

If Yonghe goes back and talks to concubine Ru, and concubine Ru talks to the empress, and then it will be passed from the harem to the former court, then she will no longer be a human being.

She calmed down, and a gentle smile rose from the corner of her lips, "Your Highness has been saying wrong things recently, look, Yonghe has heard all of them now."

The corners of Jing Mo's mouth twitched slightly, but finally he compromised, "What the princess said is true, and Yonghe laughed."

After finishing speaking, the man smiled at Yonghe thinking he was gentle.

Just unknowingly, the jealousy in my heart is unconsciously mixed in this smile.

Yonghe suddenly buried his head on Gu Qinglan's shoulder, his voice was soft and waxy, "The prince's brother's face is so scary, Yonghe is afraid, hey..."

Gu Qinglan didn't look at the man's face again, but she could predict it.

To be honest, she really didn't expect the relationship between the brother and sister to develop into such a relationship, like a blue dragon and a white tiger, born to be at odds.

Especially His Royal Highness, who cares about a child all day long.

The return journey was a bit long, and before halfway through, Yonghe fell asleep on Gu Qinglan's shoulder.

There are still small bubbles in the nose, and the sleep is extremely sweet.

"Yonghe is as heavy as a piglet recently, Qingqing should let her down, don't tire yourself." Jing Mo clenched his fist and put it on his lips, coughed lightly, and added, "I feel sorry for being tired. "

The long and narrow eyes that were full of indifference before were always full of tender affection in front of her.

Her ears were red when she heard these words, and her eyes were also hot when she saw them.

"If other people know that these words come from His Highness, they will definitely think that His Highness is not manly." Because Yonghe fell asleep, Gu Qinglan's voice was extremely low.

(End of this chapter)

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