Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 330 Why Help Her So Much

Chapter 330 Why Help Her So Much

With just one glance, thinking about the experience of being beaten by Fatty a few years ago, Lou Yan's back unconsciously broke out in a layer of cold sweat.

Lou Yan felt bitter in his heart, but nodded on his face, "It's been so many years since I left, I don't remember Miss Gu's face very well."

He parted the corner of his lips, revealing a self-mockery, "I made a mistake. Where did Miss Gu come from? It's the princess."

The world is unpredictable, he originally thought that the junior sister would be with the senior brother, but he did not expect to enter the palace in the end and become the crown princess.

If he had known today, he shouldn't have...

Forget it, the matter is a foregone conclusion, so what's the use of talking about it now.

"Since Your Highness has something to tell Mr. Lou, I won't bother you here."

After saying that, Gu Qinglan turned and walked into the hall. When she crossed the threshold, her footsteps paused, but she still resolutely disappeared in front of them in the end.

There is no trace of nostalgia.

Xu Yu led the man to the side hall and watched him leave. After a while, Jing Mo took a step.

His complexion was extremely cold these days.

Inside the Lanfang Pavilion, Gu Qinglan pressed the center of her eyebrows a little irritably. Although she knew that this day would come, she would still be at a loss when it came.

She didn't tell them at the beginning because she was worried that they would take her out of the palace because they were afraid that she would be wronged in the East Palace.

"Aman, let Lou Yan go to Xiao's house later to see how Miss Xiao's health is, is there any possibility of curing or getting better?" After drinking a cup of tea, Gu Qinglan remembered that she had promised Xiao Xiao. Yan thing.

She didn't have much hope for this, after all, even if she didn't pay attention to Miss Xiao's physical condition, she had heard about it.

I heard that I can't get up now, and I take more medicine than food all day long.

Coupled with the depressed mood, it is even more difficult to get better.

Gu Qinglan thought of the person Xiao Rou beat up that day again, and asked, "Did you find out who the second girl Xiao was beating up with?"

Aman hesitated, "This man is Miss Xiao Er's fiancé, this year's son named Ye Zheng, I heard that his father died young, he was poor and poor, only a widowed mother raised him."

"With such an identity, how could Lord Xiao let him make a marriage contract with his own daughter?"

It's not that Gu Qinglan looks down on poor people, but just feels that Xiao Yan and Ye Zheng are really not compatible.

The door is not right, the household is wrong, and there are not many people who can go to the end.

There are also people with strong endurance, who can go to the end by holding back the difficulties in life.

"Ye Zheng's father was a classmate of Mr. Xiao."

Gu Qinglan understood, put down the teacup in her hand, and flipped the tassels on her shoulders, "It turned out to be a classmate friendship, but after all, it was a marriage related to the daughter's life. It is really a shame to promise a marriage just because of this classmate friendship." It's too hasty."

"I think that after she returns to Xiao's house, she might be reprimanded for renouncing the engagement without authorization."

"Aman, if you're like this, go get the pen and ink, I will write a set of characters, and you will pack up two sets of agate and emerald heads, plus two pieces of Sichuan brocade, and send them to Xiao's residence together."

Aman was puzzled, "It's not relative, why should the princess help her so much?"

It's not that Aman doesn't sympathize with Xiao Yan, but feels that the Crown Princess is already on the edge of a cliff, and if she gets involved with the Xiao family's affairs, the situation will be even more dangerous.

One prospers and one loses all. In the eyes of outsiders, if this gift continues, the Xiao family will become the Crown Princess's side by default.

(End of this chapter)

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