Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 341 One must be having a conflict

Chapter 341 There must be a conflict
Several imperial chefs looked at it with their heads hooked, and fell silent immediately.

Yes, it's not too much, the sprinkled salt is so much that it can't be melted, and it sticks directly to the vegetables and meat, looking extremely disgusting.

Thinking that this dish was for His Royal Highness, everyone trembled three times in unison.

The bald-headed chef stepped forward again amidst the crowd's jostling, and said with a smile, "Crown Princess, the two spoons I mentioned are the spoons in the salt shaker, not the spoons for cooking."

Gu Qinglan frowned, "I didn't see the spoon in the salt shaker."

The bald-headed imperial chef boldly stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately struck by thunder, "Crown Princess, the spoon is in the pot."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

When she was pouring the salt just now, she seemed to see something fall into it suddenly. She thought it was the salt that had entered the water and agglomerated, so she ignored it.

"Cough... If this is the case, I will fix it again."

The bald royal chef said with a flattering smile, "The servant will clean up this side, the princess will wait for a while."

After some twists and turns, several dishes with excellent colors finally came out of the pan.

The imperial chefs also wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

On the other side, Lou Yan took out a silver ingot from the sachet and handed it to a young eunuch.

The little eunuch immediately beamed with joy.

"The slave is really serious. The princess is washing her hands and making soup for His Royal Highness in the dining room."

With a sound of "click", the folding fan that Lou Yan had been holding in his hand fell to the ground.

He asked again in disbelief, "You said, the Crown Princess washes her hands and makes soup for His Highness the Crown Prince in the dining room."

The little eunuch rolled his eyes, he wanted to earn this money, but he didn't forget which side he was from, this son must not be in love with the princess.

Then he should say more words about the deep love between His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess Concubine, so as to strangle the bud in this Young Master's heart.

However, before he could speak, Lou Yan asked, "Has your Highness the Crown Prince quarreled with the Crown Princess?"

The little eunuch touched his head, full of doubts, "No."

Lou Yan thought for a while, then asked again, "Then a woman went to provoke the Crown Princess?"

He said, this man looks like a dog, but in fact he must not be a good person.

The doubt on the little eunuch's face deepened, "No, there is only the Crown Princess in the East Palace, as for the other women..."

The little eunuch hesitated for a while, thinking that this matter was nothing shameful, he continued, "There is one outside the palace, and I heard that he will be admitted to the palace soon."

"Humph", Lou Yan slapped his hands on the table heavily, "I just said that the Crown Princess must be angry with His Royal Highness because of this matter."

Marrying a junior junior sister, but also dreaming of marrying other women, go ahead and dream.

The little eunuch frowned so much that he could almost kill a fly, "Young Master Lou, have you misunderstood something?"

Lou Yan firmly believed in his inner thoughts, "The fact is so, I have not misunderstood."

"The Crown Princess agrees with the idea of ​​welcoming that woman into the palace."

In Lou Yan's impression, junior junior sisters have always been unwilling to suffer.

If she suffered a dark loss in a certain place, then she must get it back in other places.

He didn't believe that there must be some reason why the little junior sister wanted to cook and poison the dog prince to death for no reason.

Wait, stir fry?
Lou Yan suddenly remembered one thing, the junior sister seemed unaware that the dishes she cooked could "poison people to death".

(End of this chapter)

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