Chapter 349 Attraction
After a while, Lou Yan put the two jade white porcelain vases on the table with a serious expression.

"There is no problem with this." He tapped his fingertips on a jade white porcelain bottle with "Yan" written on it.

Imperial Physician Ji looked at it intently, "I have been watching these days, but I don't see anything strange about the blood, but there are indeed similarities between the bodies of the two."


"Yes, it's just that Miss Yan's wounds heal faster than ordinary people, and even if she has a cold, she is healthier than ordinary people."

Cold again?Why do many women in the capital suffer from cold syndrome?

In one day's time, he ran into two for no reason.

Wait, Miss Yan?

"Is this person's full name Yan Yue?" Lou Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice suddenly dropped.

Imperial Physician Ji nodded in surprise, "Yes, but I didn't expect that Miracle Doctor Valley's deduction skills are so powerful that even people who don't know their names can be counted."

Lou Yan: "..."

He really doesn't understand the art of deduction, even if he does, there is no deduction in the world that can calculate people's names.

What can be calculated is only a vague and unclear future.

"Physician Ji was joking, but I heard this name today and it sounds familiar, so I asked."

"Why, is she hurt?"

Imperial Physician Ji sighed, "I heard that he is also an idiot. He pierced his heart with a sword for His Royal Highness, and now he is recuperating on the couch."

Although the words were full of sympathy, but coupled with the row of jade white porcelain bottles behind Imperial Physician Ji last time, such sympathy really tasted like a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful.

"Cold syndrome, a sword pierced through the heart, did you die?"

The Xiao Rou he went to see today is extremely weak and almost needs help from others when she gets up, which is considered serious.

Dividing this seriousness by one-tenth, it would not mean that a sword pierced through the heart and still survived.

"The old man also finds it strange."

"This one, the blood seems to smell of Danshu grass." Just as Lou Yan finished speaking, the sachet on his waist suddenly moved, and it was very obvious that it was facing the direction of the table.

He frowned, took off the sachet, and put the blue porcelain bottle inside on the table.

In the eyes of the two, the cyan porcelain bottle was moving bit by bit with great difficulty.

"In here..."

"Jade silkworms can distinguish poison."

"So it thinks it's poisonous?"

Lou Yan looked at it carefully, then shook his head, "No, it's more like something attracted it."

Speaking of this, Lou Yan simply opened the mouth of the bottle, revealing the jade silkworm inside.

It looks like an ordinary silkworm, except for a golden thread in the middle of the back.

"It only gets so excited when I feed it food." Lou Yan's eyes were heavy, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Usually, the thread on Jade Silkworm's body is extremely shallow, almost invisible.

It can only show a little when feeding, but it is also light golden.

It was the first time that a rich golden color was exposed like this.

It's as if it's clamoring to eat what's in front of it.

But I didn't look at it by mistake, the jade silkworm was already lying on the jade white porcelain bottle, faintly revealing the word "mulberry" on the note, with its head held high and anxiously twisting its body from side to side.

"This..." Imperial Physician Ji looked at Yu Can with bright eyes.

"It wants to drink the blood."

Although jade silkworms can distinguish poison and are not afraid of poison, they don't like poison either.

It behaves like this, that is to say, there is absolutely no poison in this blood.

It's just that there is something in it that can cause it to behave like this?

(End of this chapter)

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