Chapter 351 Cell
He knew that people with excellent medical skills usually have more or less unknown hobbies or problems. For example, he wanted to get a few needles every time he saw smooth and fair skin.

But he has been practicing medicine for many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a strong interest in blood and flesh.

Taking some flesh is as easy as pulling out hair.

"I'm afraid it's not unusual." Even though she knew that Yan Yue was the one who bullied the younger junior sister, Lou Yan still said this.

"Little Lou, you don't know. It's the first time I've seen such a healthy person at this age. She must be different from ordinary people."

"Her pulse condition is also strange. It's obviously a mess, but it doesn't show anywhere in her body, as if the pulse condition diagnosed is completely false."

"False pulse condition? There is indeed a medicine to change the pulse condition, but the medicine's properties will eventually fade with the passage of time."

Moreover, such medicines are extremely harmful to the body, and most of the cost is the loss of life span.

Imperial Physician Ji hugged the small medicine box tightly, "I will take you to Miss Yan's pulse in two days, and you will know, this girl is very strange."

"Why does it take two days?" Lou Yan asked puzzled.

Imperial Physician Ji scratched his head, "This old man doesn't understand much. He only knows that Miss Yan's courtyard is surrounded by elite soldiers on the third and outer three floors, and even the old man only goes to see a doctor every three days."

While the two were talking, the carriage suddenly stopped.

"Doctor Ji, Mr. Lou, Dali Temple is here." Xu Yu, who was driving outside, said expressionlessly.

Today, he was on duty until the third watch before he could go back to sleep. How could he know that he was arrested on the way, so he could only come to drive a carriage.

Doctor Ji led Lou Yan to the cell where Sang Luo was detained.

In the dark cell, there was an extremely unpleasant musty smell, and there were guards on both sides with swords.

Seeing Lou Yan's dazed expression, Imperial Physician Ji casually comforted him, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Lou, General Gu sent someone to guard them?"

"General Gu?"

"Why, don't you know General Gu? It's General Gu Yang, the father of the Crown Princess."

Lou Yan was silent for a long time, and then asked tentatively, "The sky is a heavy prison, why don't the emperor or His Royal Highness's subordinates guard it?"

It is too reassuring to use a courtier to guard the sky prison.

"Dali Temple was assigned to the Prince's office when he was in charge. All these decisions were naturally approved by His Royal Highness the Prince."

Lou Yan lowered his head and narrowed his eyes, no longer speaking.

The place where Sang Luo was detained was not as messy as he thought, full of instruments of torture, but rather like a new room was opened, if he didn't mention it, people who saw it would think it was an ordinary boudoir woman's room.

Inside the prison, including the rouge jewelry for women's dressing, they are all well prepared.

It's just a low couch, on which the woman sits, her eyes are blindfolded, her hands are locked, and a thin chain goes directly through the lute bone and hangs on the couch.

The blood clots and bursts, repeating itself.

The feet without shoes and socks, the skin and flesh that had been strangled by the chains were all cracked, the strong smell of blood and the smell of spices burning in the stove merged together, forming a strange harmony.

Lou Yan stepped forward, squatted down, and tore off the white cloth covering her face.

The black lines on his forehead kept twisting, looking very frightening.

"Sangsang..." Lou Yan's eyes showed surprise, and he couldn't believe the appearance of the person in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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