363 show off
"Fame? Did Mr. Lou misunderstand something?"

How could it be possible to receive gifts from so many girls without being famous? Is this guy secretly saying that he is naturally beautiful, which has attracted girls to give gifts one after another?

I didn't expect that, I looked like a dog, but my inner thoughts turned out to be like this.

Lou Yan clicked his tongue twice, "Don't pretend, they are all men, who can understand who? Tell me, aren't you very famous in this capital?"

Xu Yu became more and more confused, what was the matter.

"Young Master Lou, I don't understand what you're saying."

It's all said and done, why is this person still pretending to be stupid.

Lou Yan knocked on the fan impatiently and walked up to the girls.

He asked with a smile, "How many of you know this young master?"

"No, it's the first time we met."

The rest of the people did not speak, but nodded shyly.

Lou Yan: "...???"

How can this be?

The first time they met, he and Xu Yu were standing together, and these girls actually gave gifts to Xu Yu instead of him?
Lou Yan covered his forehead, and asked in disbelief and humiliation, "How many girls think that his appearance is far superior to mine?"

The boy's black and white eyes blinked lightly, with a hint of bewitching.

Xu Yu: "..."

He didn't quite understand why a big man should care so much about his appearance.

One of the women, who was wearing a bright yellow skirt and a golden hair crown inlaid with red agate on her head, pursed her lips and smiled, "That's not the case. If you only talk about appearance, the young master's appearance is far superior to that young master's."

While speaking, the woman looked at Xu Yu from time to time.

At this moment, Lou Yan wanted to take out the small mirror from his arms, and carefully see if his face was damaged, or if there was any injury somewhere, which made these women look at Xu Yu when they talked to him.

"It's just that the young master's appearance is too much. If I can't see it, I won't be able to give birth..."

Before finishing the following words, the woman only secretly looked at Xu Yu with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

Lou Yan then looked at the other women, all secretly looking at Xu Yu.

After walking far away, Lou Yan could still hear the young master's name and where he lived from behind.

Xu Yu walked on his right side and said after a long time, "Actually, I often encounter such things in the palace."

Lou Yan stopped in his tracks, looking up and down, as if he had a knife in his mouth.

"Are you showing off?"

It's unreasonable, he has lived for so many years, and he has never seen such an arrogant person.

how?Does such a thing as being popular with girls need to show off?
He didn't tidy up when he went out. If he changed his clothes, he would keep several times more sachets and fans than Xu Yu's.

"Show off?" The question was a question, but since Xu Yu usually spoke in the same tone, it sounded more like a statement, an answer to Lou Yan.

Lou Yan was very angry when he heard it, but he couldn't say it yet.

After all, it is impossible for him to throw all the sachets and fans he has received over the years at this man's face, so that he can see who is the one the girl likes the most.

"The time is coming, Mr. Lou, let's go faster, don't let Imperial Doctor Ji wait there." Xu Yu couldn't help but said when he saw that people almost took two steps, one pause and three steps, and then stopped.

"Hmph." Lou Yan snorted coldly and quickened his pace.

Sooner or later, he had to let Xu Yu know who was the girl's favorite between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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