Chapter 370 It Bite Me

Zhao Dezhong could only watch helplessly as the man quickly disappeared from their eyes without even seeing a shadow.

He wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, and beckoned all the eunuchs and maids beside him to look in the direction where Jing Mo left.

The unconscious man almost stepped on the roof of most of the palace, and he still had time to stand at the corner of the eaves and look up at the starry sky in the middle.

After the people behind came after them, they rushed to another roof.

This kind of movement can be heard even if Gu Qinglan is in the room all the time.

"It's a mess outside, what happened?"

Beside Gu Qinglan's hand, Rhubarb shrank himself into a ball, licking his paws from time to time.

Because Aman felt timid when he saw the rhubarb, he hid in the dining room early, pretending that he wanted to learn to make new pastry styles.

After hearing Gu Qinglan's question, a court lady came tremblingly from the door, controlling her eyes from looking at Rhubarb on the ground.

"Returning to the Crown Princess, the servant looks at Eunuch Zhao and Guard Xu as if they are chasing someone."

Zhao Dezhong and Xu Yu were chasing someone, Gu Qinglan frowned slightly, except for Jing Mo, she couldn't think of who they would be chasing.

But what kind of situation would make those two people worry about taking others to chase?
Gu Qinglan's eyebrows twitched suddenly, as if something flashed in his mind.

"His Royal Highness is here." A little eunuch with a whisk in his hand stammered and ran to the door and said to the two maids guarding the door.

Gu Qinglan with sharp ears: "..."

She knew it.

"You all go down." Gu Qinglan stood up, pinching her brows in distress.

She finally felt that something was wrong.

It is said that when the prince travels, he really has to follow people around him.

It's just that a large circle of people are chasing after him but they can't catch up, so the biggest possibility is that the man is drunk.

Hearing this, the court lady and eunuch breathed a sigh of relief like a prisoner who had received the imperial decree of amnesty.

"The servant (servant) will leave first."

Sure enough, after a while, the man appeared at the gate of the hall, standing there dazedly.

Before approaching, the strong aroma of wine filled Lanfang Pavilion.

Seeing Zhao Dezhong and Xu Yu's people chasing after them, Gu Qinglan could only say, "Go back first, Your Highness is here to take care of me."

He looked like a fool when he was drunk, and she always had to save his face.

Da Huang flicked his tail, walked forward slowly, circled around the man a few times, then nimbly bit the man's robe, and pulled it hard.

With a "hiss", the man's outer robe split open, and most of it fell to the ground.

The culprit raised his head and looked at Gu Qinglan, as if he was asking for a reward.

"Qingqing." I don't know if he was drunk or for some reason, the man's eyes were reddish, he squeezed his lips tightly aggrieved, and pointed at rhubarb, "It bit me."

Gu Qinglan was unable to help her forehead, but fortunately, all the people were sent away just now, otherwise they would see the prince's drunken appearance, not to mention the face, and the inside would be gone.

"It bit me, and my clothes were ruined." The man repeated, stubbornly picked up half of the robe on the ground, and held it up for Gu Qinglan to see.

Under the candlelight, it can be seen that the man's long and narrow eyes are wide open at this time, watery and clean without any impurities.

But Da Huang suddenly jumped up, tore off the robe in his hands, then pressed his paws on the robe, and shook his head heavily a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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