Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 372 I'm Sorry

Chapter 372 I'm Sorry

He stretched out his hand, revealing the wooden box he had been holding in his palm.

Handing it over nervously, "This, this, for Qingqing."

Although Gu Qinglan knew that he tended to look naive after drinking, but this was the first time he saw him stuttering from nervousness.

She took the wooden box and slowly opened it.

"It's said that red beans contain lovesickness. I made red bean bracelets with my own hands. Although...it's not gorgeous or pretty, but...I hope Qingqing will like it."

Inside the wooden box, as the man said, is a red bean bracelet.

She picked up the red bean bracelet and looked at it carefully. The string was not neat, and it was indeed not very good-looking.

"I originally wanted to add some agate and pearls in it, but it would make the red beans on my string look uglier, so I didn't add them." Jing Mo's nervous fingers froze, he didn't dare to move his body, and his eyes fell straight down. On the woman's face, he wanted to see the emotion he expected.

"Linglong Dice Ann Hongdou, do you know the lovesickness in your bones? Hongdou's lovesickness is the most touching, and also the most... hurt..." murmured softly, with a calm tone, so calm that there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

Still not working?
The man lowered his head in disappointment, and the silver lotus crown with his hair shivered slightly, showing his owner's restless mood.

Gu Qinglan took off the jade bracelet on her wrist and put it aside, then stretched out her left hand in front of the man, "Put it on for me, will you?"

Jing Mo raised his head abruptly, as if the stars suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he had turned back into the original light-filled eyes that she liked to see.

His lips trembled slightly, and he was silent, maybe he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it after all.

Putting on the red bean bracelet and tightening the end of the rope, he just stared at it without looking away.

"Qingqing, I'm sorry." The man suddenly said a word.

Gu Qinglan was a little inexplicable. She thought about what the man had done during this period of time, but she didn't find anything that could make him say sorry.

Furthermore, the three words of "sorry" seemed too rare to say from his mouth.

"On the day I got married, I... did a lot of things wrong..."

Following the man's words, Gu Qinglan's memory seemed to return to that day.

The day she entered the East Palace with a phoenix crown and Xiapei, ten miles of red makeup.

Having been worshiped by civil and military officials, she was wearing a red hijab and sitting on a couch in Lanfang Pavilion.

The four corners of the hijab are decorated with red tassels, and the flickering candlelight makes the tassels move slightly.

On the day she received the imperial edict of entering the East Palace, she thought about many things.

The prince has someone he loves, and if she is the princess, she must be a thorn in the prince's side.

In the future, it will definitely be difficult in the East Palace.

But she couldn't refuse, the Gu family had the ability to defy the imperial decree, but they couldn't do it.

Therefore, accepting the imperial decree and taking the position of princess is the best and only way for her.

She was sitting on the couch, holding a big red apple in her hand.

Before the wedding sedan chair, Mrs. Zhen Guo put the apple in her hand and said with a smile, "May the princess be blessed with good fortune and peace in the future."

The couch is covered with red dates, longan, peanuts and the like, implying the birth of a precious child early.

The red brocade quilt is embroidered with dragon, phoenix and auspicious clouds, and various paper-cuts are pasted on the surrounding walls, either with happy eyebrows or with dragon and phoenix.

So many good meanings, full of red, and gentle smiles on the faces of people around.

The spices burning in the censer gave off an extremely pleasant smell, filling the entire Lanfang Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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