Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 377 One more call

Chapter 377 Call Again

The man's eyes lit up, and then he lowered his head aggrieved, "Qingqing, can you call me again."

"Brother Mo."

"Can you call again, the last call today."

Gu Qinglan exhaled slowly, slamming each word, gnashing her teeth, only to be gentle when she was completely gone, "Mo~brother~brother~"




Outside the bed curtains, candles were burning fiercely, and tears dripped from the little candles, and the swaying and dancing flames were reflected on the window paper.

Outside the hall, Zhao Dezhong rubbed his eyes, then washed his face with cold water, he didn't dare to go back because of the cold wind blowing outside.

He knows best what His Highness the Crown Prince looks like when he is drunk.

Now I just hope that His Highness will stop talking nonsense and be kicked out by the Crown Princess.

Fu Ran came from outside, carrying two packs of soft steamed buns in his hand.

After thinking about it, he took out half a steamed bun and handed it over, "Eunuch Zhao, do you want supper?"

Zhao Dezhong looked at the dozen or so steamed buns in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Does anyone take a dozen steamed buns for supper?Don't let this person be the child of an idiot.

"No need, Fu Shiwei, you can eat by yourself, I'm not hungry." Fortunately, he was able to deduct such a small half.

Fu Ran withdrew his hand resolutely, swallowed the steamed bun, hesitated for a long time, took out a whole steamed bun and handed it to Xu Yu, "Do you want to eat it?"

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

Why can he get the whole one for Xu Yu when he only has half of it.

Xu Yu's thin lips parted slightly, and his tone was light, "Stay away from me."

Zhao Dezhong: ...I don't know what happened, but I suddenly feel at ease...

Fu Ran gave Xu Yu a hard look, and then squatted under the eaves angrily, eating one steamed bun uninterrupted.

Zhao Dezhong, who was standing behind him, felt his stomach full when he saw this scene.

"Zhao Dezhong." A man's voice came from inside.

Zhao Dezhong walked over in a few steps and stuck to the door, "The servant is here."

"Prepare water for bathing."

Zhao Dezhong:! ! !

Is it finally happening?
Is it done?Is it done? !Is it done? ! !

If His Highness can have such a result after drinking and getting drunk, then it is worth getting drunk every day.

After the hot water was ready, Zhao Dezhong knocked on the door, "Your Highness, the hot water has been prepared in the side hall."

Fu Ran looked at the excited Zhao Dezhong with an extremely complicated expression. He had heard it all just now. Eunuch Zhao had specially prepared a bathtub that could accommodate two people.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Zhao has such thoughts, no wonder he can serve as a servant beside His Royal Highness, and often get rewards.

Thinking of the Pisces pendant broken into eight petals on the ground, Fu Ran felt his heart was bleeding.

He leaned over and pressed his ear, "Eunuch Zhao, or else I'll find some erotic pictures for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

His Royal Highness will definitely like it.

When the time comes, when he feels happy, maybe he will open the warehouse and let him pick whatever he wants.

He seems to be one step closer to making a fortune.

Zhao Dezhong: "..."

"Fu Shiwei, or you can feed the rhubarb." Zhao Dezhong took out the dried venison from his arms and put it directly in Fu Ran's hand.

Before Fu Ran could refuse, Rhubarb had already walked towards him slowly.

He subconsciously clenched the jerky venison tightly, and ran out quickly with an "Aww".

Rhubarb followed closely.

"Everyone back down and don't get close." The man said again.

(End of this chapter)

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