Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 385 Handkerchief?

Chapter 385 Handkerchief?
"We've known each other since we were young? Then why did Ms. Zhou appear here? Could it be that she has a handkerchief friendship with Ms. Yan who lives here?"

Have a handkerchief with Yan Yue?
Subconsciously, Zhou Ruoling wanted to keep a cold face, because this lowly woman deserves to be handkerchiefed to her.

She reluctantly wanted to show a little smile, but the anger in her heart was too much, and the smile appeared very distorted.

The delicate makeup has also become a little scary.

The corners of Lou Yan's lips twitched slightly, trying not to show disgust in his eyes.

The women he had been in contact with before probably lived in the wind and dust, and their tempers were more relaxed and unrestrained.

I never thought that I would meet one now, and this one is narrow-minded.

"Your Highness is joking. I just thought that Your Highness has Miss Yan in her heart, and that Miss Yan was injured because of His Highness, so I just came to see you." Saying this, his tone became cold.

Lou Yan couldn't help being a little surprised that he could still speak so lightly while facing his own face.

"Aiwujiwu, Miss Zhou's kindness towards His Royal Highness is really touching to see."

Lou Yan paused for a moment, and unfolded the folding fan with a "swish", "It would be a bit wrong if Miss Zhou is not allowed to go in and take a look with such kindness."

After saying this, Lou Yan looked at Xu Yu and blinked.

"Xu Shiwei, you say yes."

Xu Yu hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhou Ruoling, then at Lou Yan.

His Highness the Crown Prince did say that idlers are not allowed to enter here, but Miss Zhou is the granddaughter of Taifu Zhou, and now His Highness is about to set a trap for the Zhou family.

If she is not allowed to go in today, if she talks to Zhou Taifu at that time, then it will disrupt His Highness's plan.

"It's because they don't have the eyesight to see, Miss Zhou, please come in." Xu Yu said to the two guards.

When he entered the yard, Zhou Ruoling looked around, unconsciously clenched his fingers, the sharp nails scratched the palm of his hand heavily, excruciating pain.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince unexpectedly arranged such a good residence for her, and there were many guards outside to protect her.

Damn it, he's just a lowly brat, even his body is dirty, why does he get such favor from His Highness.

Does she deserve to live in such a nice place?
Although she had such thoughts in her heart, on the surface, Zhou Ruoling was extremely dignified, and walked forward slowly with the support of the maid.

The door was opened from the inside with a "squeak", and seeing Lou Yan's face, Bi Tao first pursed her lips and smiled shyly, then she walked out and said, "Mr. Lou is so busy today, the imperial physician Ji is already checking the pulse."

When her eyes touched Zhou Ruoling and the maid beside her, she froze.

Could these two be Mr. Lou's wives and concubines?
"These two are..."

The maid raised the beautifully wrapped boxes in her hand, "My lady is here to see how your girl is recovering now?"

Seeing Bi Tao's confused face, the maid couldn't help curling her lips contemptuously, "My lady is the granddaughter of Zhou Taifu."

After hearing this, Bi Tao hurriedly stepped aside, "It turned out to be Miss Zhou, but the servant has blind eyes, so I couldn't recognize it."

Bitao behaved like this because she had heard of Zhou Ruoling's reputation.

In addition, the news that Zhou's daughter is going to enter the East Palace is always buzzing in Beijing recently, thinking that my daughter is also going to enter the East Palace, so why not join hands with Miss Zhou so that we can deal with the crown princess together.

(End of this chapter)

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