Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 387 Why Don't You Want To Believe?

Chapter 387 Why Don't You Want To Believe?
Look, the two people who were holding guns and sticks in their arms stopped their verbal attacks on both sides in an instant, turned around at the same time, and looked at Ji Taiji.

The emotion in the eyes cannot be called friendly.

However, Imperial Physician Ji didn't know it, and still said to Lou Yan, "It is said that women are like tigers. In my opinion, this is true, especially when two tigresses are together, God will smash them down."

Lou Yan looked at the eyes of the two men as if cutting a knife, and smiled weakly with the corners of his lips parted.

"Why is Doctor Ji still thinking about the scene I went to see in the theater yesterday? I'll just go with you again tomorrow."

Doctor Ji frowned; "I'm not..."

Before he finished speaking, Lou Yan smiled, "I will accompany you tomorrow."

Physician Ji finally sensed something was wrong, and closed his mouth dumbly.

It was already half an hour after the two of them finished talking.

Zhou Ruoling went out with the servant girl full of anger, and the sound of closing the door was not small.

"Master Lou, I'm going to trouble you again today."

Lou Yan sat on the stool that Bitao brought over, and slowly stretched out his hand.

After a while, he raised his eyes in surprise.

"Did the girl eat anything that she didn't eat in the past few days?"

Yan Yue said with a slight smile, "No, because I'm sick, I have clear soup and little water all day long, so I don't dare to eat anything."

Lou Yan raised his eyebrows and lied again, that means he really ate something messed up.

A few days ago, the prescription he prescribed contained several medicines for nourishing qi and blood. Others could not see the origin, but if they were stewed together, the objects of nourishing qi and blood would not be people, but those things in the body.

"The girl's body is getting better and better, and the injuries on her body will be healed within half a month."

Lou Yan modified the previous prescription, did not increase the dose, but replaced several herbs with other warm ones.

He didn't feel pity for the person in front of him, but felt that it was not a wise idea to suddenly drive someone to a dead end.

Probably seeing Bi Tao's eyes fixed on Lou Yan, Yan Yue frowned displeasedly, and then asked another maid to send Lou Yan and Ji Taiji out of the courtyard.

When he walked to the gate of Gu Mansion and parted from Xu Yu, Lou Yan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"You don't need to follow me these few days, I will stay in General Gu's mansion and will not go out."

After speaking, without waiting for Xu Yu to answer, he waved his fan and walked away.

Naturally, he didn't want Xu Yulai, after all, counting the days, it's time for the elder brother to arrive in these few days.

I just don't know what the big brother will do then.


In the Xiaochun building.

The man's long hair was loose, his light purple robe was slung over his shoulders lazily, and his delicate eyebrows and eyes became more and more cold under the moonlight.

The cherry-colored lips were tightly pressed, and the eyes were lowered to look at the little blood on the fingertips.

On the ground, there were two corpses wearing masks.

If Gu Qinglan saw it at this moment, he would definitely recognize that it was the same mask as those people in Xishan.

On the window sill, Sang Jirong, whose eyes were full of red, was sitting on it, holding his cheek with one hand, and smiling slightly.

"Young Master Xie's martial arts are still as powerful."

There is only a silver chain hanging from the bare feet, with several bells on it, which make sounds when shaken.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Xie Rongci did not raise his eyes, but kept stroking the long sword on the side with his fingers.

"Young Master Xie knows what I want to do." Sang Jirong frowned slightly, "It's just Young Master Xie, why don't you want to believe what I say?"

(End of this chapter)

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