Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 405 9 Dead 1 Life

Chapter 405 Nine Dead Lives

Xie Rongci's expression softened a lot, and there was gradually some warmth in his eyes.

"I know, you just wait here."

The little novice didn't follow, Xie Rongci pushed open the door and walked straight forward.

When I walked inside, I realized that there was a hole in it. On the surface it was a courtyard, but in fact it was just a passage.

With the help of the faint candlelight, he stroked and walked forward.

I don't know how long I walked before a little light appeared in front of my eyes.

When the bright light suddenly appeared, he subconsciously blocked his eyes with his fingers.

He didn't take his fingers away until he got used to it.

There are plum trees standing all around, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes with the wind. Xie Rongci continued walking until he stopped by a river.

An old man in cassock seemed to be holding a scroll of Buddhist scriptures in his hand, and he was chanting something.

"Dare to ask, but Master Xuyun?"

"The honored guest is coming, but the poor monk is too far away to welcome him, it's really rude." Xu Yun turned around, stroked his gray beard, and the smile on his face gradually deepened.

Xie Rongci sat cross-legged like him, quietly looking at the flowing river, it was so clear that he could almost see the fish playing and chasing inside.

"I have some doubts today. I wonder if the master can explain it?"

Xu Yun put down the Buddhist scriptures and looked at him.

"Little friend, didn't you already have a decision in your mind? Why did you travel so far to ask?"

"Although I have made a decision, I still hesitate and don't know if my decision is right."

Hearing this, Xu Yun frowned imperceptibly, "Young friend, do you think the morals of the world are unfair?"

"All living beings, some are born high and can get everything without doing anything, while some are born as low as mud, no matter how hard they try, they can't surpass the word status."

"Recently, I really feel that the world is unfair." He was inexplicably forced by those people to bear the responsibility of the Rong family, and inexplicably knew that the thoughts in his heart no longer belonged to him.

Xu Yun sighed, as expected.

Going around, it seems to be back to the original point.

"Everything in the world has a cause and effect. In the eyes of ordinary people, being in a high position is indeed blessed by heaven, but behind the scenes that ordinary people can't see, how do they know how much effort and effort is needed to maintain such a high position."

"In a blink of a century, whether it is high or low, it will eventually return to the dust and gradually disappear with the passage of time."

Xie Rongci was stunned for a while, looking at the bandage marks between his fingers, he said in a low voice, "I have always had this dream repeatedly in the past two years."

"In my dream, I did some unforgivable things and was finally killed by my beloved."

Xu Yun's eyebrows twitched heavily, dream?
Although the Yue clan is naturally good at deduction, it can only be a vague future, and it is absolutely impossible to spy on such a clear secret.

"Dreams are illusions. They are illusions. Whether they can come true depends only on you." Xu Yun paused for a moment, then said hesitantly, "Can you elaborate on this dream, little friend?"

Xie Rongci didn't say it directly, but just drew a reverse character on the ground with his long sword.

To rebel, to seek rebellion.

Xu Yun, who knew Xie Rongci's identity well, could only think of the word conspiracy.

But how could there be such a bizarre thing in the world, a dream that foretells the future?
"Little friend said that he was killed by his beloved, but in the eyes of the poor monk, the end of little friend is life."

Nine deaths, originally death was ahead, but now life is far ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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