Chapter 409 Coward
Xie Rongci's eyes lingered on the words engraved on the hilt of the sword.

Goodbye, little junior sister.

He closed his eyes, slid down, and the instant weightlessness made him frown slightly.

However, this feeling of weightlessness was only for a moment, and the wrist was suddenly strangled. Looking up along the white belt around the wrist, it was Lou Yan.

Lou Yan gritted his teeth and said angrily, "If you dare to cut off your belt, I will jump down with you."

Xie Rongci paused with his fingers, he had no doubt that Lou Yan would do this.

Having been a senior for so many years, he knows Lou Yan's temperament.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips curled slightly, unconsciously showing a bit of bitterness.

He raised his head with great effort, and said, "Ayan, let me go, this is the best result."

After hearing this, Lou Yan not only did not let go of his hand, but his complexion became more and more serious.

With his other hand propped on the ground, he exerted all his strength on his wrist and pulled him up little by little. The veins on his forehead stood out, and sweat dripped down like a bean.

"I don't care what happens to you. If you jump off, I'll go down with you. When the time comes, I will have dreams with my junior sister underground, telling her that she is a useless coward. Not choosing you is the most correct thing she has done in her life. "

While Xie Rongci was stunned by these words, Lou Yan grabbed his arm with the other hand, and then pulled him up.

Sitting paralyzed on the ground, panting continuously, Lou Yan only took a few steps forward after regaining consciousness.

With a "pop", a red palm print quickly appeared on Xie Rongci's fair cheek.

"What's the big deal, it's worth it for you to thank Rongci for not taking this life seriously?" Lou Yan's fingers trembled slightly, and the anger in his eyes grew even worse.

If he came one step later, wouldn't he have to live with regrets for the rest of his life?

Xie Rongci drooped his head, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth. Different from his previous indifferent expression, his eye circles were reddish now, and his voice seemed to be choked with sobs.

"Ayan, you don't understand."

He couldn't survive.

Fog ahead, cliff behind.

There is no going forward, no going back.

The only thing he can do is to choose how he dies.

At least, at this point, he is free.

Lou Yan grabbed his lapel and punched him hard again. Seeing him staggered and fell to the ground, he said, "I don't understand. How can I understand you keeping everything in your heart? I'm not your belly." The roundworms in it."

"You would rather come to Jue'en Temple and tell an outsider what's in your heart than tell me."

"Why, the friendship between me and you for more than ten years is fake? Or, you don't treat me as a junior at all? You just think I'm a stranger, right?"

"No..." Xie Rongci raised his eyes, which were covered with bloodshot eyes, "Ayan, I just..."

Lou Yan interrupted him, sneered, "Just? What are you just? Let me tell you, you're just cowardly, a complete coward."

"I don't understand, what kind of thing is it that makes you not afraid of death, and jumps into this abyss without hesitation."

"But do you think you are living alone? It's easy to die. Have you ever thought about what we living people should do?"

Xie Rongci murmured in a daze, "A living person?"

"Xie Rongci, be more sober. In my eyes, you are the Xie Rongci who can solve everything calmly. You are not a wimp like mud now."

(End of this chapter)

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