Chapter 412

When he walked inside, he didn't take his hands off the waist.

Zhao Dezhong led the little eunuch to take down the gifts carried on the back of the carriage, and walked forward one by one.

"I've prepared good wine, and I'll have a drink with my father-in-law in the evening." Jing Mo looked a little smug.

Gu Qinglan stopped and looked at him with weird eyes, "Do you know what it looks like when you're drunk?"

If he was drunk in front of his father, he might end up with an unmanly image.

Although... In her eyes, a man is extremely attractive when he is drunk.

Like a newborn kitten, it can act coquettishly, and stretch out its paws aggressively, meowing.

"Be more honest today. If you dare to say something you shouldn't say or do something you shouldn't do here, I will strangle you to death when you return to the palace."

Jing Mo: "..."

Actually, his wine quality is not that bad, is it?
"You go to father's study first, and talk to him." Gu Qinglan turned around, tiptoed to tidy up the messy part of the man's clothes, and brushed back the broken hair that fell on his chest.

Jing Mo wrapped his arms around her waist and said with a smile, "Otherwise Qingqing will accompany me."

"It's not because you're afraid that you dare not go alone."

"Who, who is afraid."

"Aren't you afraid of stuttering?"

"I'm not afraid."

Gu Qinglan patted his face, eyes slightly curved, "Good boy, since you're not afraid, go by yourself."

Looking at all this, Zhao Dezhong: "..."

Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince being slapped in the face by the Crown Princess, will he really not be silenced?

Zhao Dezhong decided what he had to do now, so he said flatteringly, "Your Highness, otherwise I will accompany you to see General Gu."

The man raised his chin, his eyes were filled with coldness, "Why, do you feel that General Gu dare not go alone because you feel lonely?"

Zhao Dezhong shook his whisk: "The slave is here waiting for His Highness to come back."

It's too much to say and wrong, he'd better just wait here.

Save for a while, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince becomes angry from embarrassment, and waits to implicate his anger on him


Both Lou Yan and Xie Rongci had been to Gu Mansion before, so Gu Mansion still retains the courtyard where they live.

Gu Qinglan left Aman behind and walked towards the courtyard where Xie Rongci was.

In the yard, there is a wooden frame with many wisteria flowers wrapped around it, with different shades of purple falling down, very dreamy.

Under the wisteria flowers, a man in white holds a teacup in his hand, and a chess piece is placed on a stone table.

He seemed a little lonely for no reason.

Gu Qinglan didn't call him, but went to sit opposite him on her own.

Holding a sunspot in his hand, it landed on the chessboard.

Xie Rongci parted the corners of his lips and gave a chuckle, "Sure enough, Junior Sister's chess skills have left as before. Two years have passed, and she hasn't neglected it."

Gu Qinglan replied lightly, "It's not that I haven't been negligent, but that you, senior brother, are not thinking about this chess."

She raised her eyes, was startled, and said after a while, "The wound on your face was caused by the second senior brother? He has never been so courageous. Can the senior brother tell me the reason for this?"

Xie Rongci only felt bitterness in his mouth, what could he say?
Could he say that it was because he fell in love with someone he couldn't like, or that he was beaten by Ayan because he chose to die because of his cowardice?
"It's just that I was injured during the sparring, there is no serious problem, and there is no... reason."

Compete?Will men slap their hands in sparring?

(End of this chapter)

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