Chapter 418 Say it
This is Jing Mo's second visit to this room.

It was the first time the two quarreled here, thinking of this, Jing Mo turned his eyes away a little guilty.

After a while, he couldn't help but look carefully again.

Gu Qinglan sat by his side, his fingers were tightly held by him, trying to take it back to no avail, in the end he could only maintain the status quo.

"Lou Yan is the second disciple of Miracle Doctor Valley, and also... my senior brother. Before I was 13 years old, I spent most of my time in Miracle Doctor Valley."


Her memory, as if following her own words, came from a distant corner and gradually became clearer.

She was less than one year old and went to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

According to her father, not long after she was born, the master came to knock on the door of Gu's house, saying that she was very talented, and she was born with good muscles and bones for martial arts.

During that time, she always had a high fever and went to many doctors and even the imperial physician in the palace. She took all kinds of medicines, and she always fell ill repeatedly.

Therefore, the father did not believe the words of the master.

Until the master prescribed a prescription for her, she only drank two bowls of medicine, and the high fever subsided. After a few days, she was checked again, and her body was fine.

From that day on, she, who was not able to walk well, had an extra master for no reason.

At that time, her father was away for many years, and her mother passed away shortly after she was born. After much deliberation, her father agreed with the master and asked him to take her to live in the valley of miracle doctors.

My father thought, at least the place he was guarding was very close to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, if he could spare time, he could visit it a few times, it would be much better than growing up alone in the capital.

The master is not always in the valley, and will disappear for a long time every once in a while, and then reappear. She once asked why, but she didn't get an answer.

She knew the elder brother's thoughts long ago, not the intuition she and the second elder brother said, and once at night, the elder brother thought she was asleep, so he said something.

She didn't wake up at that time, and only buried this matter in her heart, where no one knew.

It's not that she can't respond, and she doesn't want to.

Not to mention that she already knew that she couldn't choose her marriage, even if she wasn't the daughter of the Gu family, she didn't have those burdens on her body, and she couldn't respond to this relationship.

It is impossible for her to give him the same deep affection, and it is impossible for her to force herself to pretend this affection every day.

As for what the second senior brother said about the future, Gu Qinglan never thought about it.

In the past more than ten years, no affection between men and women has been produced, and if it has been dragged on, will it be possible?

The answer is obviously no.

To put it bluntly, it was the best result for both senior brother and her.

Senior brother's future life should not be disturbed by her.

She regretted not saying so sooner.


About half an hour later, Gu Qinglan took a sip of tea and looked at the stunned man.

Said, "I told you all this today, if you can accept it, we will continue to live, if you can't accept it, I will ask myself to go down, and you will find a reason to abolish me as a princess, each Peace."

The man blinked and didn't speak, just scratched her palm lightly with his fingers, like a cat's paw.

Just when Gu Qinglan couldn't bear to withdraw his hand, the man moved and suddenly moved closer.

With a sound of "baji", a heavy mark appeared on her already dizzy and light red cheeks.

What's wrong?
Gu Qinglan stared at him with wide eyes, then rolled her eyes slowly and obviously.

(End of this chapter)

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