Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 424 Choose a way to die

Chapter 424 Choose a way to die
When Zhao Dezhong came over with hangover soup, Jing Mo had already eaten all the sugar cakes on the plate.

"I don't want to drink, I want to drink." He turned his head stubbornly, not looking at the hangover soup.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help but clenched her fists and let out a breath slowly.

"Hey, the wine is not good, but the hangover soup is delicious."

If this continues, she will really knock people out in front of everyone.

Jing Mo glanced at her secretly, then leaned over to her ear, and said in a hoarse voice, "Kiss me, and I'll drink."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

"Your Highness is drunk, I will take him back first, and we will reunite with my father some other day."

Gu Qinglan tightly clamped the man's hands, and then pulled him out.

Zhao Dezhong had no choice but to put the hangover soup on the table embarrassingly, and said to Gu Yang, "The slave also bid farewell first."

Gu Yang looked at the hangover soup, and then at the almost untouched dishes on the table.

After a long time, he chuckled lightly.

"Go and get the spirits, the general wants to drink to his heart's content today."

The guards guarding the door hurriedly went to look for spirits.


Jing Mo in the carriage was not idle, there was no one else around, so he became more and more presumptuous,

In the end, Gu Qinglan couldn't bear it anymore, and gave him a heavy blow on the back of the neck.

So the carriage could only drive to the gate of Lanfang Pavilion, and turned back to the left and right, before Gu Qinglan picked him up and put him on the couch.

"Go get some hot water and wipe him off."

Zhao Dezhong staggered immediately, fell to the ground fiercely, wrinkled his face pitifully.

"Crown princess, this servant is clumsy, and I won't hurt His Royal Highness again in a while."

Gu Qinglan turned around and supported his forehead, "That's all, go get some hot water, and Ben Gong will wipe his body himself."

There really is what kind of master there is and what kind of slave there is.

Zhao Dezhong got up from the ground swiftly, walked out with a wide smile on his face.


Jing Mo couldn't get up the next day.

Literally, Gu Qinglan's subordinates were so heavy this time that he didn't open his eyes slowly until the sun was high.

Fortunately, it was Xiu Mu today, so Gu Qinglan let him sleep, and Jing Mo also escaped being woken up once.

He rubbed his eyes, walked out in a pajamas, and saw Gu Qinglan sitting at the low table, writing something with a pen in his hand.

He couldn't help but lighten his steps, walked over slowly with his waist bent, and then looked at it with his head hooked.

When I saw a certain name, I couldn't help but say, "It's my birthday, what do you ask him to do?"

Before Jing Mo walked forward, he propped up the low table with his hands and circled the person under him.

Because of his movement, Gu Qinglan couldn't control his finger down, and the tip of the pen directly touched the rice paper.

A large ball of ink was smeared, and the names of the two surrounding places were also smeared black.

"Do you want to spend your birthday and death together?" Gu Qinglan put down the pen in her hand and turned to ask him.

The two faced each other, and the tall man circled the petite woman from top to bottom.

This is an extremely ambiguous picture.

If you ignore what is happening between the two, it can indeed be described as ambiguous.

"Qingqing." Jing Mo blinked, trying to get away with his beauty.

However, Gu Qinglan didn't accept this trick, she just stretched out her hand, slowly touched the back of his neck, and then pressed down gently on the part she hit yesterday.

"Hiss", Jing Mo stood up straight as if a spring had been attached to his body.

Gu Qinglan raised her head with some effort, and said flatly, "Choose a way to die."

Jing Mo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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