Chapter 444

Let's talk about Zhou Ruoling worshiping the Buddha in the Empress Dowager's palace, and at first she insisted on not leaving. The Empress Dowager was afraid that she would go crazy like Jiang Yueru back then, so she asked dozens of court ladies and eunuchs to follow her.

In name it is a servant, but in fact it is a guard.

Naturally, Zhou Ruoling couldn't figure out such a simple truth.

There is Ziyuhuan in the front, and the empress dowager treats her kindly in the back.

Today's Zhou Ruoling already feels that she is the hostess of the East Palace. When looking at people, she always straightens her back and holds her chin up.

Facing the Empress Dowager, when talking to her, he still had an extremely soft smile on his face, as if the tenderness came from his bones.

It's just that the queen mother felt more and more uneasy when she saw this smile.

The last person who smiled at her like this was the late emperor's favorite concubine, and then she was accused of using witchcraft behind her back.

If it wasn't for Jing Xuan, who was still the prince at the time, to find out the truth, she might be a piece of loess at this time.

With the movement of drinking tea, the queen mother hurriedly lowered her eyes.

Zhou Ruoling thought that the queen mother lived in a remote place, and no one came to visit her these days, so the queen mother must have felt lonely in her heart.

If she is always with her, the queen mother will definitely have a good impression of her.

The lonely queen mother put the teacup aside, and took another piece of delicate snack into her mouth.

"Miss Zhou has been here at Ai's house for many days, so she will inevitably feel homesick, how about..."

The queen mother didn't finish her sentence, she just looked at Zhou Ruoling with a pair of eyes with some hesitation.

After all, it's a girl's house, so it's not good for her to let her leave so directly.

With such a subtle way, she should understand.

Zhou Ruoling raised her lips and smiled, "My daughter is willing to serve the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager: "..."

The problem is, even if it is Jing Xuan who is now on the throne and not the first emperor, she always looks at such a smile, and she always wonders if she will be dragged out and beheaded in the next moment.

"Miss Zhou is a lady of every family, and she has been carefully cultivated by Zhou Taifu. How can she serve a person like Ai's family, whose half of her body will be buried in the ground."

Zhou Ruoling frowned lightly, and then said, "No matter what your status is, it's my honor to serve the Queen Mother."

Her voice was firm, as if making an oath.

Empress Dowager: "..."

She looks pretty, but why can't she understand people's words?

Does she have to say that she finds it annoying that she always dangles in front of her eyes?
The queen mother touched the teacup again, and took a sip.

No, she had to think of a way.

Otherwise, facing this smiling face all day long, my heart would always feel hairy.

"I heard that Miss Jiang is living a miserable life in the nunnery with the green lanterns and ancient Buddhas." Zhou Ruoling spent these days, except for the day when Sa Yazi ran out in front of Gu Qinglan and Concubine Ru, the rest of the time was very law-abiding.

She calmly made the maids and eunuchs who served her side wonder if she had read it wrong that day.

The Empress Dowager trembled, almost smashing the lid of the teacup on the ground.

The maid serving on the side hurriedly took it, and then wiped the tea stained on her hands carefully with a handkerchief.

"Why, do Miss Zhou and Yueru also have friendship?"

Now everyone knows that Jiang Yueru was sent to the nunnery by the head of the Jiang family, and she said that she made a big mistake and needs to think about it.

It's just that anyone who knows the inside story knows that Jiang Yueru angered His Highness the Crown Prince. Although this so-called punishment deserves the crime, it is too much for a young woman.

(End of this chapter)

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