Chapter 447
"The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager..." Zhou Ruoling frowned slightly, squeezed her throat and called out twice.

Only then did she recover, pinching the center of her brow with her fingers.

"Empress Dowager, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Aijia just remembered what happened in the past, by the way, what did you just say?"

Although Zhou Ruoling was a little dissatisfied with the empress dowager's ability to distract herself while talking to her, but because she couldn't do anything now, she could only suppress her anger in her heart.

"Your servant is saying that Miss Jiang has been in the nunnery for a while now, but she made a huge mistake at the beginning, and now she must have repented in her heart. My daughter wants to intercede with His Highness the Crown Prince for Miss Jiang."

Zhou Ruoling didn't care that Jiang Yueru died in the nunnery like this.

When she said these words, she didn't really want to help Jiang Yueru, both of them had the same thoughts in their hearts. To some extent, if Jiang Yueru came out of the nunnery, she would have to find ways to deal with her.

It's just a woman whose reputation has been almost ruined. To her, there is not much threat.

She only thought that she could cause some trouble for Gu Qinglan.


It is an ordinary family. After one year of marriage, the man does not know how many concubines he has taken.

In the East Palace, there was only Gu Qinglan.

How could Zhou Ruoling not hate this.

If grandfather had been willing to think about her back then, and had said a few more words when the emperor was choosing the crown princess, she would be the one enjoying the sole favor now.

Originally, he was thinking of teaming up with Yan Yue and dealing with Gu Qinglan first, but he didn't expect that woman to be so ungrateful, she was just a lost flower, and she dared to think about that position.

"Please?" The Empress Dowager looked at the court lady beside her, and the corners of her lips curled up impatiently, "If Yue has a friend like you, she is really lucky."

Although the Empress Dowager felt that the punishment of being locked up in the nunnery was too heavy, but after thinking about it carefully, it was much better to spend her days in peace in the nunnery than being used by the head of the Jiang family as a tool for power struggle.

If she is not in the nunnery, she is still in Jiang's mansion.

If he can't enter the East Palace, his final fate will probably only become a means for the head of the Jiang family to win over powerful officials.

"It's just a minister can't see His Highness recently..." Zhou Ruoling hesitated for a while, frowning in a frown, and raised her eyes to look at the Queen Mother.

The meaning is self-evident.

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling even more displeased.

She treats Jing Mo like her own grandson, so she naturally doesn't want Jing Mo to have a woman with a deep heart, and it seems that every word is thought about for a long time in her heart, and it is closely related to her interests.

The queen mother looked at the maid beside her, slowly changed into a comfortable position, and continued to nest in the chair.

The maid walked forward unhurriedly, and blessed the Queen Mother.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince once sent someone to say that he has been busy with government affairs recently and has no time to visit the Empress Dowager. When he is free, he will come to make amends in person."

The Empress Dowager's eyes fell on the purple jade ring on Zhou Ruoling's wrist, her brows furrowed imperceptibly, and her kung fu returned to normal in an instant.

"You have also heard that the prince is busy with government affairs, so it is not good for the Ai family to bother him about this matter. After all...the state affairs are important."

The smile on Zhou Ruoling's face gradually receded, and he looked at the speaking palace lady blankly.

If she didn't want to remember the reservedness of her daughter's family, she wouldn't need to humble herself here.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and her body subconsciously moved backwards, but because she was sitting on a wooden stool without a backrest, she directly fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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