Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 450 She really doesn't know

Chapter 450 She really doesn't know

"By the way, the three-month period is coming, what do you think about her, is it still Feng Yi?"

The man trembled all over, and straightened his back, "What kind of salary, I don't know, I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

With a "snap", Gu Qinglan thought she patted him on the shoulder gently as a warning.

Jing Mo grinned his teeth in pain, and wrinkled his face aggrievedly, all his usual indifference disappeared, as if there was a faint smell of milk on his body.

"She said she couldn't enter the palace. I didn't deliberately deceive her."

"Be serious, you can't just let her stay in that yard all the time."

"Why not?" The man was unwilling to refute, "She said it herself."

Jing Mo was both unreasonable and angry.

"Crack", "Crack, click..."

The wooden table in front of Gu Qinglan was finally overwhelmed and shattered into pieces.

The dust rose up, and the vision of both of them became a little blurred.

Gu Qinglan turned her head, the corners of her lips curved into a perfect arc, but there was no smile in her eyes, "Can you talk properly now?"

Jing Mo: "...Xu Yu found a masked man in black near that courtyard. According to his description, they should be the same group of assassins from Xishan."

After all, apart from those people, Jing Mo couldn't think of anyone who could directly stick the mask on the flesh in a frenzy.

When you look closely, you can still see dark red scars where the flesh connects to the mask.

Gu Qinglan's eyes showed some surprise, "Do you know they are related?"

"I know that there are many doubts about Xishan's assassination."

On the day of Xishan...

Gu Qinglan was completely stunned, and the whole person fell into confusion, "Did you start to doubt her then?"

Jing Mo looked at Gu Qinglan with fixed eyes, "No, it was earlier."

To be precise, it was the day when Yan Yue pretended to be sick and he and Qingqing went together.

The seeds of doubt are planted in the heart, and they take root and grow vigorously bit by bit.

"You have done many unruly things for her." Gu Qinglan raised her eyes lightly, and continued after a while, "But now you are able to send someone to monitor her, and you have even suspected her for a long time." .”

Gu Qinglan knew that she shouldn't think like this now, Yan Yue deserved what she deserved.

However, she just felt inexplicable, saying that she likes it is like it, and saying that she hates it is disgusting.

She can indeed feel that the man's affection for her is not a lie. If one day, his affection for her will dissipate in an instant, then will she implicate her father and elder brother?

"Qingqing." Jing Mo looked directly into her eyes, as if he could directly understand her thoughts, "If I said that I have never had any love for Yan Yue, would you believe it?"

Gu Qinglan turned her face away and stopped looking at him, and she could hear a little bewilderment in her voice, "I don't know."

She really didn't know how to answer.

She can say what a man wants to hear, but these words will probably only be what he wants to hear, not what she wants to say.

Jing Mo clenched his fingers nervously, the veins on his forehead bulged, but his clear eyes were calm.

"Every time I face her, I feel that I am bound by layers of shackles and cannot break free. Her poor health is also caused by saving me when I was young. I only feel guilty for her."

And this guilt was only there once.

"I'm facing you, Qingqing...I..." At such a serious moment, the man's earlobes and cheeks showed a little redness inappropriately, "I just want to be with you all the time, lingering, like glue."

(End of this chapter)

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