Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 452 It Will Hurt, It Will Hurt

Chapter 452 It Will Hurt, It Will Hurt
"Qingqing, I've wanted to say this for a long time, but I just knew you wouldn't agree, so I didn't say it." The corners of the man's lips lifted slightly, his eyes seemed to be fixed in the stars, "The only one, I only have you, you Only me, this is the most fair, isn't it?"

Gu Qinglan withdrew her hand and lowered her eyes in silence.

She didn't know how to answer, whether to accept or refuse.

Rejection, she couldn't bear it, nor was she willing to accept it, it was completely contrary to what she had learned.

How could he choose the only one when he was the crown prince and would be the king of a country in the future.

"I..." After a long time, Gu Qinglan said, "You may regret it in the future."

Since there will be a day of regret, why bother to make a promise before.

Jing Mo stared at her affectionately, and wrapped her hand in his own, "Qingqing, my heart is made of flesh, not iron, and it hurts as well."

"You know that I can't, but you still want to say that I will, are you deliberately trying to make me retreat?"

The corners of the man's eyes were raised slightly, his long and narrow eyes were deep and deep, "Unfortunately, although I may feel sad, I will only face difficulties."

"It will hurt, it will hurt..." Gu Qinglan broke free with her hand, but did not take it back. Instead, she stroked the man's chest, feeling the ups and downs under her fingers.

Putting myself in the shoes of a man, if she was in the position of a man, she probably wouldn't be able to last for such a long time.


The man put his hand on her lips, "Yes, my heart will ache and ache."

"At that time, I knew that your senior brother liked you, childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart, did you know that I was crazy with jealousy, but I didn't dare to show it, lest you think I was making trouble for no reason."

Gu Qinglan put her finger on his shoulder unconsciously, her eyes met, there was a deep darkness, she didn't know what she was thinking.

I don't know how long it took before Jing Mo smiled weakly, "You don't need to respond to me now, I don't ask you to do something, I just hope you can accept the one and only thing I gave you calmly."

After saying that, he withdrew and left, wandering in front of the bookshelf in Lanfang Pavilion, moved his fingers, took out a book and read it in his hand.

But his eyes couldn't help looking at where Gu Qinglan was. There was no sound for a long time, and his eyes dimmed little by little.

He should have guessed that so many bad things he did to her in the past could be treated as if nothing happened. She never thought about herself, and she would not touch anything beyond the rules.

"If it is true as you said, and the civil and military officials reprimand you, what should you do?"

With a "click", the book in Jing Mo's hand fell to the ground, and he looked at her with bright eyes.

"I have made meritorious service in the country, and there is nothing wrong with Jiangshan. I just want a loved one. What's wrong?"

"They won't think of your merits at that time, they will only search their guts and list your faults one by one."

"I'll take care of it."

"What if it's not handled well?"

"They send one in, and I'll throw one out. If it doesn't work, let them elect a new crown prince."

Gu Qinglan was a little silent. If he was really asked to re-elect the prince, those who resisted with all their strength would probably be stunned with fright, and then burst into tears.

The prince is smart and has always handled political affairs properly. He used more than ten years of talent and hard work to eliminate the resentment in the hearts of these courtiers.

He was dissatisfied with Jing Xuan's designation of an infant as the prince and driving away the adult prince.

(End of this chapter)

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