Chapter 454 Good

"If I can't even decide who is next to me, then what's the use of me sitting in that position? Qingqing, I'm different from my father. My father likes my mother, but I also have feelings for those other concubines." shirk responsibility."

Jing Mo paused, and continued, "And I, apart from you, don't want to be a husband to any woman."

He stepped forward, squatted down, and his eyes were level with hers.

There seems to be pleading in the eyes, "I know that you can't accept it all of a sudden, and you can't give up the thoughts you have been holding on to for many years. I also worry that one day in the future I will like the woman next to you as much as I like you."

"But, I won't, my heart is very small, and I can only accommodate you alone."

"Qingqing, if you don't dare to take a step because you are worried about things that are impossible to happen in the future, then this is no different from a coward. In my eyes, Qingqing is unrestrained and unrestrained. She is never timid and unknown. She is a person with a temperament. A woman has nothing to do with the word coward."

Gu Qinglan moved and turned to him, "If I'm not a coward, your heart won't hurt, will it?"

Jing Mo was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of these words.

His thin lips were raised, and he smiled so that his eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Yes, in this way my heart will not ache or ache, only joy."

As if infected by his smile, Gu Qinglan also raised the corners of her lips. She wrapped her hands around the man's neck and moved closer.

In his ear, whispered, "Okay."

"It's shocking the world, the world won't tolerate it, if you don't change your mind, I won't change."

Out of the corner of his eye, he touched the red bean bracelet on his left wrist, and the beautiful red beans were strung together irregularly.

Compared with those exquisite golden hairpin jade wares, it is not good-looking.

However, what she likes more is this unattractive red bean bracelet, not because the red bean bracelet suits her heart, but because she likes to be the person who makes this red bean bracelet.

Deep affection and long meaning are the most incomprehensible and inexplicable things in the world.

"What about Yan Yue? Since you know that she is related to those people, how do you deal with it?"

When Gu Qinglan talked about Yan Yue before, most of them were intentionally angering men, or they were mixed with temptation.

But this time, it was completely calm.

"If I owe her, I will pay it back. If I don't owe her, I will let her pay back all the good things I have done to her."

He had roughly confirmed that Yan Yue was definitely not the one who saved him back then.

Leaving aside the almost completely different looks and personalities, he searched for people and found out that Yan Yue hadn't been to Jue'en Temple at all that year, but was learning needlework with a few girls from the neighboring village.

The ridiculous thing is that this is completely different from the results of his previous investigation.

Someone deliberately erased the traces of the year, making him mistakenly think that Yan Yue was that little girl.

What he didn't understand was how Yanyue could know what happened back then.

Even those men in black couldn't remember those details clearly.


Jing Mo suddenly remembered the little girl he saw back then. Her face was flushed and her body was hot. It seemed to be caused by illness. He taught her a few times, but he still couldn't fully hear his name from her mouth.

It was him who only had fragmentary and vague memories, but how could a sick little girl remember clearly.

Why did the people behind Yan Yue help her erase the traces of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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