Chapter 457
"If you want to fool me like you fooled Sang Luo, you're tired of your job." The woman approached, and Yan Yue smelled the faint stench of complex spices on her body.

It seemed to smell like rotting meat.

Subconsciously, she wanted to frown and dodge, but when she retreated, the dagger moved down directly, and another wound was drawn.

"I have promised to follow your orders. You should put the dagger away."

Although Yan Yue pretended to be calm, the trembling in her tone could not deceive anyone.

"Tsk." The woman stood up and looked Yan Yue up and down with some disgust, "I really don't know how Sang Luo chose you in the first place, so greedy for life and afraid of death."

Yan Yue clenched her fingers tightly, covered the wound with a handkerchief, and lowered her eyes to suppress the hatred in it.

"Even if I don't agree, you will find other people to kill him and pretend to kill yourself, won't you?"

"In that case, why not let me do it myself?"

While Yan Yue was talking, the woman's figure moved, she frowned, and walked towards a curtain not far away.

She opened the curtain abruptly, but there was nothing inside.

Yan Yue walked up to her, "What are you doing?"

After a long while, the woman replied, still with some doubts in her expression, "It's nothing, I just think there seems to be someone here, but now it seems that I was wrong."

She turned around, her face was lifted by the wind, Yan Yue clearly saw the woman's bruised face under the veil.

It didn't look like it was caused by an injury, but the bruised and purple lines were densely connected in series on the skin, which looked very scary.

No wonder she wears a veil.

Afraid of being noticed by the woman, Sang Luo hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look over.

But fortunately, the woman's mind was all attracted by the curtain, so she didn't notice the shock and fear in her eyes just now.

"In the middle of the night tomorrow, I will take you there. At that time, you have to think clearly about what to say to make Jing Yu die willingly."

The woman leaned her hand on the door and smiled, "Fu Ling, my name."


After the people left, Yan Yue's whole body went limp and fell directly to the ground.

She was stunned for a long time before slowly standing up, facing the bronze mirror to bandage the wound on her neck.

And behind her, a figure flashed past silently, and then disappeared.


In the study room of Lanfang Pavilion, a man stood in front of a painting, silent.

"The woman almost discovered the existence of her subordinates."

The man turned around and lowered his eyes, his brows flashed carelessly, "I was able to almost spot you, it seems that the woman's martial arts are not low."

"It's just Jing Yu, if he dies..."

Xu Yu said, "I invite you to go to Prince An's Mansion tomorrow."

Jing Mo pressed the position between his eyebrows, and slowly closed his eyes, "No need, if you go, they will know that Gu has already noticed their plan, and the dog jumped the wall in a hurry, now is not the time for them to turn from darkness to light. "

"But if something happens to Wang An, the pusher behind it will definitely point directly at the Holy One."

Jing Mo naturally understood what Xu Yu said.

After all, there are still many old ministers who still don't believe Jing Yu's conspiracy in the past two years.

He thought it was a plot by his father to get rid of King An.

If it weren't for the evidence directly in front of his eyes, he also felt that it was almost impossible for King An's conspiracy to happen.

King An has always boasted that he is romantic, but there are more women in the backyard, and he has no involvement in political affairs, and he has never even been in court.

(End of this chapter)

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