Chapter 473 Together

"Now the room is full of blood, it is very scary, the girl should not go in again."

At the end, Gu Qinglan added, "If the girl is also here to pick flowers, we can go together."

Fu Ling's mind was buzzing, and she only remembered that the man in front of her, who looked like a man and a woman, said that Jing Yu died under the sword, and there were still wounds on her body, and the ground was full of blood.

Her plans were all ruined.

If she just went back empty-handed like this, Sang Jirong would definitely break her elixir.

"If you dare to ruin my plan, I want you two to die without a whole body." Fu Ling gritted her teeth and paused every word.

Then she tapped her toes, and appeared in front of Gu Qinglan in an instant. Just as Jing Mo was about to step forward, Gu Qinglan only raised her eyebrows, smiled wickedly, and then held the soft hilt of her sword on the ground, The body flipped in the air, and the hair also rose.

When Fu Ling thought of dodging, there was no way out, so she could only resist the kick forcefully.

Fu Ling's body was quickly forced backwards, and finally hit the wall heavily.

"Pfft", blood sprayed out from the air of Poria cocos, and splashed directly to Gu Qinglan's feet.

"I thought it was so powerful, but that's all." Gu Qinglan walked in front of Fu Ling, squatted down, and tore off the tulle on her face with one hand.

The bruised and purple half of the face looked particularly frightening under the moonlight, like densely covered spider silk, intertwined layer upon layer.

"You... who are you?" Fu Ling was terrified. Although her martial arts are not top-notch, it is impossible for her to lose in one move. "You must have used evil methods."

"It's just that the skills are not as good as people's. Why do you like to say that I used evil means? Look at you and me, who is more like an evil?" Gu Qinglan lifted the woman's chin with a folding fan, and looked lightly at her. Up and down, and finally sighed.

"No wonder you got angry when I mentioned the appearance just now. This face is really ugly, but it probably happened from the heart, or maybe God can't see it, so you people gradually bring some deformities."

"Fu Ling, why isn't your surname Sang?"

Fu Ling trembled all over, her eyes filled with shock, she pointed her finger at Gu Qinglan, "Who are you? Why do you know..."

Gu Qinglan exerted force on her wrist without changing her face, and the folding fan seemed to hit Fuling's outstretched fingers lightly, accompanied only by the crisp sound of bones breaking, which was an uncontrollable cry of pain from Fuling's mouth.

"Remember, I don't like people pointing fingers at me. This time I just cut off a finger, and the next time I cut off the hand directly."

Gu Qinglan stood up, and the soft sword in her hand landed on Fuling's neck with a "shua", and blood oozed out instantly.

"Actually, I can also forgive you for not knowing the rules. After all, this kind of thing is taught at home, but not all people have parents, do they?"

Fu Ling was so angry that she wanted to struggle to get up, but the wound on her neck gradually became bigger.

She was so busy that she didn't dare to move, she just said angrily, "If you kill me, you don't even want to live."

"Tch." Gu Qinglan laughed mockingly, her brows and eyes were full of chills, "Let me think about it, Fuling, your name doesn't even have Sang in it, although I don't know what's going on, but you are in Sang Jirong's name." There, it’s probably just an insignificant running dog.”

Fu Ling's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at Gu Qinglan with fear in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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