Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 482 It's Clearly OK...

Chapter 482 It's Clearly OK...

"Aunt Lan is cowardly by nature, she escaped from Gu's residence with the help of that maid."

"Later, she married a businessman and gave birth to He Yi, but the good times didn't last long. When He Yi was ten years old, the businessman went out and met bandits, and he never came back."

"Aunt Lan originally wanted to take He Yi to the merchant's parents, but she didn't expect that the two elders also died of illness not long ago."

"Unintentionally, Heyi was spotted by Taifu Zhou when he was out shopping for pearl flowers. Because his appearance was too similar to Aunt Lan when he was young, Taifu Zhou asked someone to investigate."

"Finally, after finding out that it was indeed my daughter and granddaughter, I took them into the mansion."

Speaking of this, Gu Qinglan suddenly stopped, her eyes were blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Jing Mo didn't ask any questions, but waited patiently for her to speak again.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Qinglan rubbed the place between her eyebrows in a daze, "Heyi has been living in Zhou Mansion since then. I went back to the capital two years ago and met her at the poetry meeting held by Zhou Ruoling .”

"At that time, apart from the people who came to curry favor with me because of my father's power, there was only He Yi, who didn't speak sarcasm to me."

The content of these people's cynicism and ridicule to her is probably because she has not been in the capital for several years, so she must not have learned the rules and knowledge well.

Only Heyi, she felt strange.

Zhou Taifu didn't want to reveal He Yi's identity to the world, and only said that He Yi was a relative who came to stay in the Zhou Mansion.

In such a situation under the fence, she can still have a pair of pure and clear eyes.

When looking at a person, it seems that all disguises are superfluous in front of her.

Her eyes can look into the bottom of a person's heart, and can wash away the dust everywhere in the world.

"I gradually became friends with her..."

The man suddenly grabbed her shoulders, wrapped her in his arms, paused every word, and said very seriously, "Qingqing, I'm here."

Gu Qinglan raised her eyes, her long eyelashes casting small shadows under her eyes.

She embraced the man's waist and buried her face in his chest.

The voice said indistinctly, "When she was found that day, she had already soaked in the river, and her whole body was swollen out of shape."

"Both eyes were gouged out, and his body... was covered in bruises."

"You think Zhou Ruoling did this, right?" Jing Mo's fingers froze slightly in the air, and then he patted her on the back reassuringly.

"Yes." Gu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, her throat was astringent, she tried her best to suppress the unceasing pain in her heart, "Heyi is timid, she has no courage to offend anyone, if anyone in this world hates her the most, then It can only be Zhou Ruoling."

"I once witnessed Zhou Ruoling cutting up the sachet veil that He Yi gave me. If I could have picked up He Yi at that time, all of this would not have happened. She is so young, she has not even reached the age of Ji. present."

Jing Mo took two steps back, lowered his head and kept his gaze level with her.

"Qingqing, you and I are ordinary people, and there is no way to predict future misfortunes and blessings. You carry all the burdens on your shoulders, and you are very tired."

It's like, for the honor and disgrace of the Gu family, she forcibly endured his indifference and even reprimand to her.

"But I can obviously save her, but I can only..."

Jing Mo stretched out his finger and pressed it on her lips, "Now that the incident has happened, regretting it will not help. Finding the real murderer for her is the most important thing, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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