Chapter 491

Gu Qinglan chose a plain velvet flower and put it into the top of the spirit snake bun. The velvet flower is decorated with tassels made of red agate beads. On both sides of the velvet flower are four small butterfly shell hairpins, surrounded by tiny light pink pearls.

"Go, why not go?"

"But father doesn't know that Qingqing took down this thief..." Jing Mo hesitated, he would never tell father that the role of those hidden guards in the past was actually to carry the two fainted back.

It was also impossible to tell Father Huang directly that Qingqing knocked the woman unconscious and grabbed her with only one move.

Gu Qinglan turned around, changed into a comfortable position, grabbed the man's skirt with both hands, "Who said I took down the thief?"


"No one saw it, did they? Even the hidden guards didn't see that it was my hand." Gu Qinglan bent her fingers and walked provocatively around the man's skirt, "It's all because of Your Highness. Only with high martial arts skills can the thief be easily captured."

Jing Mo: "..."

This feeling of eating soft rice is getting stronger and stronger.

It was half an hour after the two of them appeared in Jing Xuan's study.

Jing Xuan looked at Jing Mo angrily, holding the paperweight, "Tell me, what happened to Jing Yu?"

Jing Mo had no choice but to tell the whole thing.

After a while, Jing Xuan removed his hand from the paperweight, and thoughtfully looked at the rice paper spread out on the table.

"By the way, I heard from Xu Yu and others earlier that there was a big hole in the wall of Prince An's Mansion. What's going on? No matter how difficult Jing Yu's situation is now, it's impossible for him to live in a dilapidated place of."

Jing Mo subconsciously glanced at the silent Gu Qinglan.

How should he explain it to his father?

With just one kick, the Crown Princess kicked a big hole in the wall of Prince An's Mansion.

Even if he said such words, the emperor probably would not believe them.

"The emperor must have seen Jing Yu's appearance. Maybe he went crazy in the middle of the night and bumped into the wall. Over time, the wall was smashed."

Jing Yu, who was being forced into a coma, suddenly turned over, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Fu Ran, who was guarding him, showed hesitation, as if he was considering whether to give him another punch to make his sleep even deeper.

Fortunately, Jing Yu only trembled for a few moments, and soon returned to normal.
Only then did Fu Ran breathe a sigh of relief. Although the person in front of him was no longer the aloof King An of the past, he still didn't have the guts to really let him do it.

"Bump into the wall, and over time, the wall will be broken?" Jing Xuan frowned tightly, raised his eyes to look at Jing Mo, and his voice sank, "It's conceivable that you can talk such nonsense in front of me. Know what kind of virtue is in ordinary life."

After yelling at Jing Mo, Jing Xuan intentionally softened his voice, "Prince Princess is docile, and she didn't complain about being wronged by you."

Jing Mo: "..."

At this time, there should be a heavy snowfall in the sky to prove his innocence.

Gu Qinglan lowered her head even more, with a shy expression on her face, "Your Highness is very good, I will not feel wronged."

Jing Xuan raised his finger and pointed at Jing Mo, "Listen, listen, you still have the face to look at me, why don't you hurry up and apologize to the Crown Princess, those bastard things you did before are over, but Doesn't mean it didn't happen."

Jing Mo turned around and bowed his hands, "I'm here to apologize to the Crown Princess for the ignorance and absurdity of the past."

A smile flashed across Gu Qinglan's eyes, but with some urgency on his face, he hurriedly held the man's hand, "Your Highness's words are a shameful concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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