Chapter 494

He has made complete preparations, and he is bound to make up for his previous mistreatment. There can be no regrets between the two of them.

All that can be made up should be made up.

"Stupid, let's go and see Jing Yu, he should wake up now." Gu Qinglan took his hand and walked forward.

Even if there are palace maids and eunuchs passing by, they don't let go.

The man hooked the corners of his lips in a good mood, and he could see the joy in his eyes.

As Gu Qinglan thought, Jing Yu had indeed woken up at this moment.

Only with Fu Ran standing there, staring at each other for a long time, did he ask, "Where is this place, and who are you?"

Fu Ran held his chin up, didn't speak, and imitated Xu Yu's way of drooping his eyes, and his body felt like a chill.

Jing Yu subconsciously pinched the flesh on her thigh, her eyes widened in disbelief after feeling the pain, the veins on her hands intertwined with the outlines of bones that could be seen, making her look particularly frightening.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Fu Ran wouldn't have believed that the person in front of him was King An.

The former King An was the candidate that countless young girls in the capital wanted to marry. Although he was just an idle prince with little power and there were many girls in the backyard, but...he was good-looking.

Most unmarried women have an idea in their hearts, that is, marrying into a man's family, that man used to be flirtatious and embracing left and right, but he would restrain himself, and they were the only ones in his heart.

It's just that there are not many such ideas that can be truly realized in this world.

It is great to be able to respect each other as guests, how can we expect a relationship that is the only one for both parties?

Jing Yu didn't get an answer for a long time, so she turned her head and looked elsewhere.

Such an exquisite decoration is not like an ordinary place.

Jing Yu pushed back vigilantly, "If you want to kill, kill me, why bother to catch me."

All he wanted was to die, and he couldn't do it anyway.

The sound of footsteps came from outside, Fu Ran's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly turned around to look.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, I will take my leave first." Fu Ran walked quickly, and soon disappeared in front of the two of them.

His Royal Highness... Crown Princess...?
Jing Yu was stunned for a long time before realizing that this is the imperial palace.

That's right, apart from the imperial palace, there is no other place with such exquisite decoration.

He raised his eyes and was taken aback for another moment, why did he feel that these two people looked so familiar, as if they had met recently.

But during this period of time, he has been imprisoned in Prince An's Mansion, and he has never seen anyone except a few waiters and Yue'er who came here last night.

Where does this sense of familiarity come from?

"Why...why did I appear here?" Jing Yu asked the two of them.

Jing Mo stepped forward and looked at him quietly, "It's been a long time since the emperor's uncle is almost completely different from before, Gu Gu almost didn't recognize him."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

From whom did I learn this habit of stabbing people's hearts with words...

As expected, Jing Yu's complexion is not very good, but now his appearance has changed a lot, the skin on his face is not as fair as before, but sallow, his eyes are dull, and he looks very different from the previous handsome young man.

"Caomin is already white, and His Royal Highness is ashamed to be an emperor's uncle."

"Although he is white, the uncle's body is still full of Jing's blood. This call of uncle is based on emotion and reason, and everyone should call it alone."

Seeing Jing Yu like this, Jing Mo even suspected that someone was manipulating behind his conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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