Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 500 You Killed Her

Chapter 500 You Killed Her
"Someone said something to me, which made me understand some truths." Xie Rongci did not answer directly, his voice was cold, and there seemed to be a slight indifference around him.

"I haven't enjoyed any glory from the Rong family, nor have I been loved by the people of the Rong family. Why should I give up my life for them?"

He tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, once, twice...

In fact, if it weren't for Lou Yan's words, he would probably have been bewitched by Sang Jirong.

...Maybe this bewitchment was not only given to him by Sang Jirong, but more came from his own delusion deep in his heart.

Sang Jirong was not angry, but poured a cup of tea on his own, watching the green tea leaves float in the water, and finally sank, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You are very similar to your mother." Sang Jirong said suddenly, she raised her eyes and curved them into a beautiful arc, but they were full of malice, "She also refused to take responsibility, and asked me why ?”

Xie Rongci clenched his hands tightly, with veins popping out on his forehead, he paused every word, "What did you do to her?"

Sang Jirong casually took a sip of tea, and only spoke after a long time.

"What can we do? She is the supreme princess of the Rong family, the last person with the blood of the Rong family in her body, how dare we do anything to her?"

"She didn't have to die. Po Wen said that she and you can only live together. It's probably because she is a cowardly and timid woman who wants to give birth to you regardless of her life."

"Rong Ci, you killed her."

This statement is three points true and seven points false.

A disobedient chess piece, naturally, there is no need to stay.

But in the end, she was still negligent, otherwise she wouldn't let the newly born Rong Ci be taken away, wasting all these years in vain.

"You were taken away by gangsters when you were born. I thought you wouldn't survive." Sang Jirong ignored Xie Rongci's increasingly ugly expression, and continued, "She died for you, and now you are the Rong family again. Although the prince of the direct line has not enjoyed those riches and honors, you always have to bear the responsibilities in your blood."

"her name."

The woman who died for him.

Xie Rongci has seen her portraits, her eyebrows and eyes are extremely delicate and gentle, he can hardly imagine how such a woman would be tortured at the hands of these people, and it is even more difficult for him to imagine the scene where she wants to save him when life is at stake .

"Rong Xue, she was born in a snowy day, so she has this name."

At the mention of this name, Sang Jirong inevitably felt a little emotional.

She still remembered Rong Xue's appearance before she died, she was young, her eyes were full of confusion.

If she hadn't been born under the Rong family, she would have found a husband who would stay with her forever like an ordinary woman.

It's a pity that she was born with scheming, and the child she gave birth to was nothing but their scheme.

"Rong Xue." Xie Rongci murmured softly, silently looking at the scenery under the window, it was morning, and there were not many pedestrians below, only peddlers hawking at the top of their voices.

And next to their private room, Lou Yan held a fan in his hand and kept walking around the room, knocking on the forehead with the fan in a hurry.

Eldest brother is a person who has a twisted mind and is easy to be stubborn when thinking about things. Now that he hears that his biological mother's death is actually for himself, he doesn't know what to go crazy.

There is also the man who is almost exactly the same as the elder brother in Jue En Temple, he even doubts now, that is the biological father of the elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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