Chapter 510 Confused

Gu Qinglan lifted a corner of the gauze curtain, seeing the obvious expectation and yearning on Aman's face, she couldn't help falling into silence again.

"Aman, did you forget today that Guard Xu is in that yard?"

Aman's face flushed instantly, his eyes dodged, "I don't know what the princess is talking about?"

"Come on, if you don't tell the truth, I will have someone bring Xu Yu here now."

Aman stomped his feet as he walked, "Oh, it's not like the slaves don't say anything."

Gu Qinglan played with the pearl tassel on the Bu Yao in a good mood, "Let's talk."

"Last month, the servant passed by the imperial garden and wanted to feed the koi, but almost fell into the pond. It was the guard Xu who saved the servant."

Hero save the beauty, does this little girl dare not lift her eyes when she sees Xu Yu?

"This palace sees that you are quite courageous, why didn't you say a word at that time, you should give your life to save your life?"

Hearing this, Aman couldn't help covering his face with his hands, and the redness on his skin could be seen between his fingers.

The shyness and tenderness shown seemed to be completely different from the one who just swung his arms and knocked out two of Yan Yue's teeth.

"The servant said it many times." Aman pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes seemed to be overflowing with stars, "I just said it secretly to the bronze mirror afterwards."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She closed the gauze curtain expressionlessly, and then continued to play with the tassels on the step shaker.

After the sedan chair was driven away for a while, her voice came from the sedan chair, clear and sweet, "Emotions are things that can't be rushed, but the saying that you get the moon first has been reasonable since ancient times."

"If he has someone he likes, you should stop thinking about it and go back to me to find a better one for you. If he doesn't have someone he likes, you should work harder and try to win him down as soon as possible."

"If he doesn't want to, don't pester him too much."

Before Gu Qinglan got married, apart from Heyi, she also had a few good sisters who could talk to her.

These people are all married, and some children can already walk and talk.

She has heard these women reciting poems and making love, talking and painting, and some of them are as talented as Tanhua, the champion selected in the court. Trouble outside.

Obviously before getting married, they all said that they wanted to be a dignified mistress, but in the end, they still couldn't help feeling sad and uncomfortable.

Just like her, before she got married, she also knew that the prince had a love in his heart, and knew that the imperial edict to bestow marriage was not what he wanted.

But wearing her wedding dress and listening to everyone's blessings, she subconsciously fell into a trance, as if she could really live a safe and happy life as those people said.

Sadness can't be called, but loss must be there.

Aman tilted his head, pondered for a long time, and finally nodded heavily, "I will follow the teachings of the princess."


"Impossible." Zhou Ruoling in the Buddhist hall had a dark face and resolutely refused, "Grandpa is not confused, how could he come up with such an absurd idea."

Standing opposite Zhou Ruoling was a soft-looking man named Chai San.

Zhou Ruoling usually dislikes seeing him in the mansion, but every time he has to force a smile because his grandfather trusts him.

Chai San's playful eyes flicked over Zhou Ruoling's face, "Miss should know that since the Grand Tutor sent a servant here, this matter is a certainty and cannot be reversed."

(End of this chapter)

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