Chapter 559

Not far in front of him, there was an acacia tree, and many acacia flowers fell on the ground and on the stone table.

The princess he was thinking of was sitting on the side of the stone table, tilting her head and resting her chin, the sun was shining on her body, he could almost see the delicate and soft features on her fair face, she was very cute.

It was so cute that he wished he could hold her in his arms so that no one could see her.

What made him unhappy was that the cheeky vixen was sitting on one side with his hand on Qingqing's.

Although he couldn't hear what the two of them said, he saw that the vixen was looking at Qingqing again with teary eyes.

A scheming woman, Jing Mo gritted his teeth and thought.

Gu Qinglan looked at the beauty in front of her with tears in her eyes, her heart was so soft that she stretched out her hand involuntarily, trying to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He also said, "Hey, don't cry, you are crying..."

"What are you crying for?" The man's sullen voice sounded.

Like a ghost, like a ghost.

Gu Qinglan looked at the man who suddenly appeared for a long while, and then continued with the words just now, feeling a little helpless, "The makeup for crying is all over."

The man snorted softly, his eyes still fell on Xiao Yan one by one, as if holding a knife.

After what he said just now, his heart must have melted from crying.

Xiao Yan opened her mouth and quickly knelt down, "My daughter has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Jing Mo squeezed the woman's tender palm, suppressing the unreasonable anger in his heart, "Excuse me."

Before Xiao Yan could reply, he said again, "The Crown Princess has been here for a long time."

Gu Qinglan held the man's hand back and blinked, "Has it been a long time?"

The apricot eyes that were shining with water light blinked and blinked, and the tip of his heart was soft.

"It won't be long, you can stay later." Jing Mo gritted his teeth and paused every word.

God knows how much he wanted to take her away, but looking at those eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse.

"But I want to go back." Gu Qinglan grabbed his arm and shook it.

Jing Mo only felt that his soul was coming out of his body, and his mouth was astringent, "Okay."

It wasn't until the two left that Xiao Yan tilted her head in doubt.

It seems that His Royal Highness is not as scary as the rumors say.


Halfway through the road, Jing Mo suddenly stopped.


Gu Qinglan turned around and looked at him with raised eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

Jing Mo's ears turned red suddenly, he hesitated and said, "I've completely settled Yan Yue's matter today."

Gu Qinglan sighed, walked to him, and then pulled him into an alley with force on his wrist.

Zhao Dezhong flicked his whisk, and was busy guarding the entrance of the alley, his eyes on his nose, his nose on his mouth, and his mouth on his heart.

Wrapping his arms around the back of his neck, he felt a little helpless, "I know you don't like her, and you really don't have any grudges against her existence now, so you don't have to always feel sorry for me."

Jing Mo drooped his head, his foreheads pressed against each other, and his breathing seemed to be entangled in one place.

"But I feel that I owe you a lot."

Even before he likes her, he still feels indebted. After he likes her, such indebted emotions often overwhelm him.

With a "snap", Gu Qinglan stood on tiptoe and slapped him on the forehead.

The force was not light, and within a few moments, his forehead was faintly red.

Looking at her blankly but aggrieved, Gu Qinglan softened her voice.

"Idiot." Her voice fell, "I don't even feel uncomfortable. Why are you guilty? Could it be that you are imagining many sad images in your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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