Chapter 569
The old man said angrily, "You still have the face to call me father?"

The man pulled the corners of his lips weakly, and stood up by the tree beside him, "The child is not filial."

Angrily, the old man raised his hand and wanted to slap him, but he dropped his hand in mid-air, and he sighed, "Han Yan, I can't control you now, you are not young anymore, I don't expect you to make your ancestors shine , I just hope that you won't let me worry about it."

The old man was Han Qu who just came back from outside.

He hadn't stepped into this courtyard for several days, and if Jing Mo hadn't mentioned it later, he wouldn't have wanted to come here.

Han Yan used to be a young man praised by everyone in the capital, but he went out to study a few years ago, and when he came back, he looked out of his mind.

Han Qu asked him many times, but he kept silent.

At first he thought that Han Yan had a crush on some woman, and was worried that he would not agree to beating mandarin ducks.

Then I didn't see him bring the woman back. He just started drinking heavily all day long, fell asleep without talking when he was drunk, and drank again after waking up.

Seeing this, Han Qu felt extremely regretful, he had a child in his old age, he doted on this child too much, his temper was too stubborn and stubborn, and he never cared about it before.

It's too late to think about it now.

"On the seventh day of the seventh month of this year, you go to the Royal Garden of the Imperial Palace. If you fancy a noble girl, and they also like you, as a father, go brazenly and ask the emperor to marry you."

Han Yan narrowed his narrow and slightly raised Danfeng eyes, and said without hesitation, "I won't go."

His appearance is more like his mother's, which looks a little feminine and feminine on a man's face.

Han Qu slammed on the stone table with a "slap", and his voice continued to rise, "Then what are you going to do, drinking day and night, why is this what you want to do?"

He even remembered how the child was before he went on a study tour.

Although stubborn, but this stubbornness is used in the vision of the future.

"Father, I don't want to get married." Han Yan pointed at his face and said sarcastically, "If a person like me gets married, wouldn't he be hurting his girl?"

Han Qu didn't know this truth, but it was impossible for him to watch this son continue to be so decadent.

"This is an order from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As a father, I dare not disobey. If you don't go, you will be disobeying the order."

When he heard the words His Royal Highness, Han Yan's pupils suddenly shrank, and then slowly returned to normal.

"His Royal can he take care of my affairs?"

Before Han Yan went on a study tour, he had seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince from afar.

It is indeed a perfect match for her, and it is quite normal not to choose him.

How could Han Qu know all these reasons, so he just said in a cold voice, "Anyway, you have to go when the time comes, otherwise you will be resigned from the official position for your father, and you will be punished in front of the Holy One, and you will be punished for the crime of resisting the order."

The crime of disrespecting the order is extremely serious.

Even with the lightest punishment, after one round, he still has to lose arms and legs.

"I go."

He took a deep look at Han Qu with a threatening face, and smiled wryly.

On the other hand, Gu Qinglan, who was tricked by Zhao Dezhong arranged by Jing Mo to go to Shenshu Palace, felt something was wrong.

She didn't see Jing Mo for a whole day.

It's not that the two are inseparable for even a moment now, but that he will always tell her when he goes out.

This time I didn't say it in advance, and when I asked Zhao Dezhong, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't complete a sentence.

 There are two thousand words to wait
(End of this chapter)

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