Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 586 A Wise Retreat

Chapter 586 A Wise Retreat

After the wooden door was opened, several people walked down the not too narrow stone steps.

With the light of the glowing night pearl, the scene can be vaguely seen.

The dust accumulated over the years rose up, and everyone covered their mouths and noses and looked around.

The former emperor built this treasure probably because he was determined to release the news that only the blood of the Rong family could find the treasure. Coupled with the camouflage of the hunting platform, it would be impossible for ordinary people to find it.

And those who can find this must be the descendants of the Rong family, so no trap was set.

Below the hunting platform is a huge space.

In front of them, one wooden box after another was stacked together, majestic and undisguised.

When Gu Qinglan was about to rush forward to open it, Jing Mo hurriedly grabbed him, and then looked at Xu Yu and the others.

Xu Yu and the others stepped forward clearly. Although there was a lot of dust on it, the wooden box was still very strong.

Xu Yu opened one at will, and his eyes were filled with golden light.

I saw layers of slender gold bars in the dilapidated and gray wooden box.

"Is it all in these boxes?" Gu Qinglan asked with bright eyes.

Lou Yan opened several boxes on the other side, all the same.

Obviously, the former emperor was not particularly stupid, at least he knew to leave a wise retreat for the Rong family.

Money can turn ghosts around. In this world, money can buy anything, but without money, nothing works.

Money can raise tens of millions of soldiers, make countless weapons, and make people rebel like grass on the wall.

It's just that this seemingly sensible retreat has not been discovered by the descendants of the Rong family.

Gu Qinglan held back the excitement in her heart, grabbed the man's arm tightly with both hands, and cheered inwardly.

When Jing Mo inadvertently looked sideways at the corner of the woman's mouth that could not be restrained, he also smiled, his eyes full of doting.

"The windfall is all yours."

He thought that these words would attract the woman's praise, but instead, the woman glared at him angrily.

"Since when did this concubine become such a greedy and lustful person?" Gu Qinglan paused for a moment, then came to her senses, and slightly revised what she just said, "So in the eyes of His Highness, is this concubine such a greedy person?"

Jing Mo:? ? ?
Did he hear the word lust just now?

Yes, you heard me right.

Under the man's burning eyes, Gu Qinglan rarely felt guilty, and looked elsewhere.

As for the few hidden guards, they wished they could call themselves five senses, or they had never followed this place.

"I... Gu means that those who see it have a share. It is fate that the Crown Princess can find this treasure. It may not be said that this treasure is a gift from heaven to the Crown Princess."

Fu Ran sighed silently, although these days, the attitude of His Highness the Crown Prince towards the Crown Princess is in their eyes.

But every time I see him, I always feel embarrassed. The true feelings that are hard to see in ordinary people's homes will appear in the cold palace.

Gu Qinglan first glanced lightly at a few hidden guards who looked over from time to time with their heads hooked. After noticing that they immediately straightened up and did not dare to move around, they tiptoed to the man's ear.

"Half of it fills the treasury and half goes to the military."

Jing Mo's pupils shrank slightly, "You..."

Did you know...

He kept it so tight that even when he was hunting for treasure, he came here in the dark.

Although the Rong family has not directly declared war now, many things have been directly revealed on the surface. On the surface, the situation is not considered serious.

But no one knows if there is any killer in the hands of those people.

(End of this chapter)

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