The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 102 The Complicated Wuchangkong

Chapter 102 The Complicated Wuchangkong
In the Bundestag, seven seats belong to the Spirit Pagoda.You know, there are only [-] seats in the entire Bundestag.

This does not count the other councilors who were influenced by the Spirit Pagoda organization.


Shrek City is really extraordinary!
In addition to the headquarters of the Spirit Pagoda in the distance, the buildings outside the window have also undergone some changes, some antique and some modern buildings.

Neither is it like Tiandou City, which is completely built in ancient times or even ancient times, nor is it completely metallic like Donghai City, a new city.

Shrek City feels more inclusive and broader.

This is definitely a huge city that cannot be seen at a glance!

After entering Shrek City, the high-speed train drove for another full hour before stopping at the station.

The Shrek City Station is the largest station Tang Wulin has ever seen. It is more than five times larger than the Tiandou City and Donghai City Soul Guide Train Stations.

Huge dome, quaint architectural style, and stone carvings that can be seen everywhere.All show the heritage of the city.

Among all the big cities, only Mingdu, where the federal headquarters is located, can barely compete with it.

"Teacher Wu, where are we going now? Shall we go directly to Shrek Academy?" Xie Xie asked impatiently.Even if he came from a wealthy family, he was a little bit emotional after coming here.

Wuchangkong's face was calm, still so cold, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a complex brilliance.

"Stay here first."

The hotel Wuchangkong chose was destined to have nothing to do with good or bad.Not far from the soul guide train station, there is a small hotel with three rooms.

This hotel looks like it has been around for a long time, and the exterior walls are already a little mottled, and it is completely composed of stone and wood.

The hotel is simple and clean inside.The facilities couldn't be simpler.

A bed, two bedside tables, a wardrobe, a desk, and a chair.A bathroom that can only accommodate two people standing at the same time.That's all.The walls are all white, and the scenery you can see outside the window is the soul guide train station.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie shared a room, Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue shared a room, and Wu Changkong and Wu Changming shared a room.

Zi Yan and Qing Lin came to this hotel early, Wu Changming and Tang Wulin greeted them, and went back to their rooms.

"Hey, it's so comfortable." Xie Xie lay down on the bed as soon as he entered the room, stretching his body.

Tang Wulin was the first to walk to the window, looking at the strange environment outside.

"Wu Lin, why do you think Mr. Wu is so stingy! He has a lot of income in the academy. Besides, he is a battle armor master! You haven't seen how dazzling his battle armor was back then. He can make battle armor Your soul master must be very rich!"

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Teacher Wu just doesn't care about these foreign things. You! Be honest. We are not here for fun this time."

Xie Xie said: "Okay, okay, I'll sleep for a while. After lying in the car all the way, I can finally straighten my legs." Although the soul guide train is convenient, it is really not a big deal to sit in the second class for a long time comfortable thing.

"Brother, it's time for you to find the old dragon." Wu Changming said.

The complex look in Wuchangkong's eyes appeared again, and he said, "I will go to see the teacher in person in a few days, and let me be quiet."

Wu Changming looked at Wu Zhangkong lying on the bed and sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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