The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 136 Class Cadres

Chapter 136 Class Cadres

"The class selection cadre today." Shen Yi was in charge of the lecture.Wuchangkong stood not far from the podium, looking coldly at the students in the class.

"In Shrek, strength is paramount. Your character has been judged, so the academy believes that anyone who becomes a class leader can do well. Therefore, there will be a contest between you in the class, and finally The winner will become the squad leader. The outstanding performers will be judged by Mr. Wu and me, and they will serve as other class leaders. In general, the class leaders include one squad leader, two deputy squad leaders, one forging committee member, One design committee member, one production committee member, and one maintenance committee member. They correspond to the four major sub-professions respectively.”

Seven class cadres?
"Don't underestimate the class cadres. Different class cadres represent all the students of the same type in the class. At the same time, there will be additional contribution points. The squad leader and deputy squad leader represent the whole class. They are the leaders of the whole class. 25 contribution points, 35 contribution points for the deputy squad leader, [-] contribution points for each discipline committee member. Before the age of [-], as long as you can become a battle armor master, you can directly graduate from the outer court and participate in the inner court assessment. Graduation and assessment at any time. If you become a Doukai Master before the age of [-], you can graduate from the outer court. If you can’t become a Doukai Master, you can’t claim to be a student of Shrek Academy outside. Today, these seven class leaders will be selected. First of all, I will announce the A candidate for a class leader. Forging member, Tang Wulin."

Tang Wulin was very surprised by this appointment. After all, Wu Changming was already a sixth-level blacksmith.

"Stand up, let all the students know you." Shen Yi said.

Tang Wulin stood up, turned back, and faced all his classmates.

These boys and girls, all between the ages of 13 and 15, looked at him with different expressions.The expressions of the girls are mostly kind, the reason is very simple, handsome is just one word!

Tang Wulin is over 13 years old now, and his height is already 1.6 meters [-]. He is only a head shorter than an adult. With big eyes and long eyelashes, he even needs to be described as beautiful.Coupled with the straight figure maintained by years of exercise, and the sunny smile on his face, it is easy to give people a good impression.

But the male students are not all well-intentioned, who is not the proud one who can be admitted to Shrek Academy?There are somewhat rebellious in character.

"Teacher!" A male student sitting in the back suddenly raised his hand.

"Say." Shen Yi said indifferently.

"Why can he become a forging committee member without competition?" The boy stood up. He was not yet 15 years old. It was hard to believe that he had such a figure. His height was over 1.9 meters, taller than many adults. He is much taller, speaks in a loud voice, and has a very burly figure.But the strange thing is that the eyes are so small that when you squint, you can't even see the eyeballs.

"Yang Nianxia. That's right. The reason why the forging committee members don't need to compete is because, in this respect, Tang Wulin can't have a competitor. He is a fourth-level blacksmith." Shen Yi's words immediately made the whole class a little confused. Get restless.

Level 15 blacksmith?A fourth-level blacksmith under the age of [-]?This is really too exaggerated.

Yang Nianxia was also stunned for a moment. The reason why he raised objections was naturally because he was good at forging, but his goodness was not as good as that of a fourth-level blacksmith!
He is a third-level blacksmith. In the forging industry, it is very rare to be able to reach this level at this age.

He looked at Tang Wulin in surprise. Although he was still somewhat dissatisfied, he finally sat down.

Tang Wulin nodded to him, expressionless.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Shen Yi glanced across the class.

Everyone looked at Tang Wulin differently, but what they didn't know was that Shen Yi still had reservations about Tang Wulin's forging level.After all, Tang Wulin hadn't gotten the fifth-level badge yet, and at the same time, he couldn't really do spiritual training.

Some of Tang Wulin's suspicious gazes became kinder.This is Shrek. While everyone is competing with each other, they also have the role of supporting each other.For those who are particularly specialized in a certain area, the vast majority of students will be very kind.After all, if everyone wants to become a battle armor master in the future, no one can complete the battle armor making by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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