The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 169 Playing Mahjong

Chapter 169 Playing Mahjong

"What a tragedy!" Wang Dong exclaimed.

"The women here are too shameless, and the men are insidious enough." Xiaoxiao said rather angrily.

"It's still early, should I continue telling stories, or—playing poker?" Wu Changming said with a mysterious smile.

"Playing cards? What is that ⊙_⊙?" Wang Dong asked.

"It's a kind of pastime, I'll teach you. The common games are fighting the landlord and running fast." Wu Changming bought a deck of playing cards from Ka Ye Nuo.

"What is this? It seems to be made of precious crystals." Wang Dong picked up a card and observed it.

"This is the monitoring crystal, which monitors whether the player is cheating. Once cheating, the monitoring crystal will emit red light, and there will be an electric attack. The power of the attack depends on the cultivation of the soul power." Wu Changming explained.


Playing cards are worthy of being a treasure for pastime, and I played for three hours in a blink of an eye.

"I still want to play!" Xiaoxiao said unsatisfactorily.

"Don't be obsessed, at most it's just for entertainment, now it's still about cultivation." Wu Changming laughed.

"All right!"

On the other side, the auctioneer appeared. The auctioneer was a middle-aged man with a passionate voice.

"The first auction item..."

"The second auction item..."

"The third auction item - Wang Xuedan."

Wang Xuedan was auctioned by Wu Changming.

After the efforts of the auctioneer, 130 million gold soul coins were sold for this elixir.

And the fire lotus seeds were auctioned for a high price of 250 million gold soul coins.

"Hehe, in an instant, I got 300 million gold soul coins." Wu Changming said with a smile.

"Big rich man." Xiaoxiao said jokingly.

Wu Changming smiled slightly.

"The next lot is a big treasure! It's a piece of living gold! It's the size of an ordinary adult's palm. I won't say much about the preciousness and function of living gold. It's worth 1000 million golden souls Coin starting price."

"Wow! 1000 million gold soul coins?!" Wang Dong said in shock.

"The value of this piece of metal is far more than 1000 million gold soul coins. Not surprisingly, the value will be as high as 8000 million to [-] million gold soul coins." Wu Changming laughed.

Wu Changming felt that it was a pity that he could never afford it with his own financial resources. Even if it was exchanged from the system, it would be exchanged for one hundred federal coins for one gold soul coin.


In the end, it was bought by the top management of Shrek Academy, and the price was higher than [-] million.

Wu Zhangming smiled and said, "Let's go! Only the city that never sleeps is worth seeing now."

"Alright, Xiaoxiao and I haven't visited Shrek City for a long time." Wang Dong laughed.


After strolling around, Wu Changming thought to himself, "Thousands of years have passed, and Shrek Academy hasn't changed much. It's incredible! It's just that it's much smaller than Shrek City ten thousand years later."

"How about we play another novel game?" Wu Changming invited, seeing that the two were bored.


"Let's go live in Shrek Academy!" Wu Zhangming laughed.

"But, you are not Shrek Academy, can you enter?" Wang Dong asked.

Wu Zhang Ming smiled and said, "Old Xuan told me that he arranged a dormitory for me. Come and play in my dormitory! However, this game requires four people, and Yuhao should still be absorbing the ten thousand year soul ring." !"

"Okay! Let's call Third Senior Brother over! He should be interested." Wang Dong suggested.

"Okay, let's call third senior brother." Xiaoxiao agreed.

Wu Changming pretended not to know, and asked, "Who is the third senior brother?"

"We are the Seven Shrek Monsters of today, and the three senior brothers are arranged according to age." Wang Dong asked.

"I can't say this, I promised that senior." Wu Changming refused, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell that person.

"Okay!" Wang Dong didn't press on.

After a while, Xiaoxiao pushed a tall man over.

The man looked handsome, and looked a little unreliable. Seeing him speechless, he said, "Damn, you ruined the chance to be alone with Nan Nan after so much trouble."

"What's the matter? Someday, I'll help you invite Sister Nan Nan to Sea God Lake." Xiaoxiao comforted her.

"You agreed!" the man Xu Sanshi calmly said.

Looking at Wu Changming, Xu Sanshi said, "What unknown mysterious game do you brat want to play?"

The tone was not very nice, according to the past, Wu Changming directly taught him a lesson, but Wu Changming felt that he owed Xu Sanshi a little.

When Wu Changming fought against him when he was a child, Xu Sanshi was the one he often fought against. He tortured Xu Sanshi thousands of times, and used all kinds of vicious pranks.So when I saw the real person, I felt a little...

(End of this chapter)

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