The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 180 Final Exam

Chapter 180 Final Exam
Wu Changming, who knew his own feelings, began to care about Gu Yue slowly. Even Gu Yue was stunned. Why didn't Wu Changming provoke girls, and treated her so well, with a hint of flattery? .

Time passed day by day like this, and in the blink of an eye, their first semester at Shrek Academy had come to the end.

"The teaching of the first half of the school year is coming to an end, and the final exam that you have been looking forward to is coming." Shen Yi's smiling words made the whole class sit up straight subconsciously.

Looking forward to final exams?I'm afraid no one expects this.Some people will be eliminated in the final exam.Ten people will be eliminated in the first school year. I don't know how many people will be eliminated at the end of the first semester.

Sure enough, Shen Yi's next sentence changed the expression of the weaker students slightly.

"According to the rules, five people will be eliminated in the final exam of the first semester. Therefore, everyone must work hard in the final exam, otherwise, you may be one of the eliminated."

"The final exam method is announced below. You have a total of fifteen days for the final exam. Within fifteen days, you need to go to Mingdu. Along the way, you need to pass through at least ten cities, including Mingdu. In each city, You need to defeat an opponent whose cultivation base is five levels higher than yours. And you can’t have any external assistance. How to find the opponent, how to defeat the opponent, and how to go to Mingdu are all your own business.”

"Also. Before leaving, all your storage soul guides, communication soul guides, and all your own resources and money will be left behind. Cleanse yourself and go out. Remember, you only have fifteen days. If you complete the task within fifteen days and come back, you will pass. The score will be judged according to the strength of your opponent. If you fail to complete the task within fifteen days, no matter who you are, you will fail. All points will be deducted by half. You don’t have to If you are worried about how your scores are calculated in the competition, teachers from the college will naturally follow you secretly. However, they will never make a move, even if your lives are in danger. Therefore, during the entire final exam process, I hope Be cautious and don't face opponents you can't deal with."

After hearing Shen Yi's words, the first thing Wu Changming felt was that it was strange, and there was such a final exam?But after thinking about it, I understood the meaning of the academy, which was to test their comprehensive ability.

Basic necessities of life, these four seemingly ordinary things will all appear in this assessment.Fifteen days to go to ten cities, without a penny, but also to find someone to fight and defeat the opponent, and then finally rush back.

Mingdu is on the west side of the mainland, and Shrek Academy is in the middle of the mainland.Even if there is no transfer in the middle of the soul-guided high-speed train, it will take three days to arrive.In other words, the shortest time to go back and forth is six days, not to mention finding people in ten cities to do it.

After Shen Yi announced the method of the final exam, the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-] suddenly fell into silence.Everyone is seriously thinking about how to face the upcoming difficult final exam.

"Groups are not allowed, and everyone has to go on the road alone. If there is any mutual help, they will all be punished as failing." Before finally leaving, Shen Yi dropped such a sentence.

A faint smile emerged from the corner of Wu Changming's mouth, which is a bit interesting!

Everyone looked different at this time.

Early the next morning, it will be time for them to set off for the exam.

director's office.

"Is the final exam scheduled?" Elder Cai asked Shen Yi with a smile.

Shen Yi nodded, "It has been arranged."

Cai Laodao: "The first final exam of every freshman will always bring us surprises and dumbfounding. This time we will see how far your class can do. The body search must be thorough, these little guys They are all extremely smart and can think of any way."

Shen Yi also smiled, "Don't worry. I also came here from that time. As far as they can think of, their predecessors have already used it. The senior brother has already set off first, and the invigilators have also set off."

Cai Laodao: "Very good. This will be a very good comprehensive quality education class for them."

Shen Yi left.Elder Cai sat alone in the dean's office. After a while, she stood up and went to the window of the office to look into the distance. The direction she saw was a towering building.


"I wanted to forge metal and sell it for money! As a result, forging hammers are not allowed." Tang Wulin sighed.

"Damn! For the sake of the bus fare and other expenses, I will go to perform on the street." Xie Xie walked out of the academy and was about to perform on the street.

"I'm going to act cute and act like a baby, and use my super high acting skills to get money." Xu Xiaoyan walked to a boy while dancing and laughing.

"What should we do?" Gu Yue and Ye Xinglan thought about it.

"Gu Yue, I'll give you money." Wu Changming hooked Gu Yue's chin, pursed his lips and kissed in the air, then closed his lips, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Wow! So handsome." Gu Yue was dumbfounded.

Ye Xinglan had to look again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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