The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 2 Meeting Tang Wulin for the First Time

Chapter 2 Meeting Tang Wulin for the First Time

"Finally level 20. If it's not for physical fitness, this matter should be level 23." Released four bright soul rings. (Level 20 at the age of nine, not so fast, Mu En, the Peerless Tang Sect, reached level 8 at the age of 20. And Wu Changming practiced marksmanship, swordsmanship, forging, body training, etc., so his cultivation is so high. Don't just look at the data , the protagonist needs to practice a lot, and the level of cultivation is pretty good.)
(Some readers take Wu Siduo as the example of Soul Sect, Wu Changming is nine years old, not 12 years old, and Wu Changming's current cultivation level is far superior to that of Xie Xie and Gu Yue.

You use Dou Er, Dou Yi to talk about things, do soul masters who fight Dou Er need a second job?

Wu Changming not only cultivated his soul power, but also cultivated his physical body, forging, etc. His strength far surpassed that of his peers.

Besides, one's own soul power cultivation is not low. According to some people, nine years old is forty, how many levels is 12 years old!Level seventy?

The Wu Changming given at the beginning is martial soul and skills, not directly given energy!Learning skills does not take time?
If you don't need time to practice, you will become proficient in skills, and your soul power will be frighteningly high...

Everyone remember the time, Wu Changming is a nine-year-old soul master, is there a nine-year-old soul master in Dousanli?

Not to mention that Wu Changming has cultivated so many skills, if you think about it a little bit, you won't say that Wu Changming's cultivation is low)
The two moved out of the house two years ago, and came to Donghai City from Tiandou City.Wuchangkong was teaching at Donghai College, and the two lived in the same dormitory.

Wu Changming walked out of the dormitory building and came to the door of Class [-], Grade [-]. Just after class was over, he stepped into the class and said, "Brother, let's go to Ascension to Lingtai!"

"Okay." Wuchangkong smiled.

Some nympho said, "The high-cold male god can laugh."

A more restrained girl said, "That child is the teacher's younger brother, we can ask him to take some photos for us." (The legend of the Dragon King is not the world of ordinary people. It's normal for them to be more than ten years apart. Moreover, since they are from the same academy, knowing that Wuchangkong is not married, it is normal to think that Wuchangming is Wuchangkong's younger brother.

Moreover, Wu Changming was taller. He looked thirteen or fourteen years old, and Wu Changkong was just in his early twenties. It was very normal to be regarded as Wu Changming's elder brother.

Not everyone knew that there was a 20-year age difference between Wu Changming and Wu Changkong. )
"Good idea, let that little guy take a picture."


"Brother, I'm going." A staff member of Ascension to Lingtai worried, "Is it suitable for such a young child to ascend to Lingtai?"

Wuchangkong ignored him.

"I'm really a pig's foot. I found a soul beast that is not weaker than myself so quickly. It just increases my actual combat experience, and I'm not afraid of capsizing in the gutter. Come! A Pegasus with a 600-year limit. The six-fold wings spread out, and Yan Zhan (also has Thunder Zhan, Wood Zhan, etc.)" Wu Zhangming is still young, and quite proud of his current ability.

The red wings bent, and the fiery light blade attacked Tianma... After the battle, the dance leader said in a panic, "Sure enough, actual combat experience is very important. If I have enough experience, I will defeat it in three moves. Logically, I will get It's 60 years. Fight on, fight rich."


"I'm out of strength, I did a good job. Go to school tomorrow!" Wu Changkong murmured while hugging Wu Changming.

The next day, Wu Changming came to the street, looking for something to eat, "Oh, the big gift bag is open."

"Victory in the hidden mission for the first time, get a big gift bag. Open the big gift bag, get: level [-] blacksmith experience. Exclusive hammer Thor's Hammer (rank unknown)"

"Okay, the metal I forged is more suitable for my battle armor. Oh! (Original) I heard from Xie Xie that the beef is delicious, so it should be the only one." Wu Zhangming said excitedly.Found it shortly there, it just wasn't very clean.

Wu Chang Ming said, "Boss, here's a bowl of stuffed beef."

"Okay." After a while, it was finished.

Wu Changming took a sip, his eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, "Xie Xie's mother had a romantic encounter, when will I have one too?"

At this time, a handsome boy smiled and said, "Uncle Li, it's the same as usual."

"Xiao Xie is here?" Uncle Li said heartily.

Wu Changming took a look and said, "He is Xie Xie, Tang Wulin should be here."

After speeding up the meal, he said, "Boss packs another one."

"Okay." Uncle Li responded.

"Brother, I'll buy you delicious food. I'm going to sign up." Wu Changming ran up to Wu Changkong and handed the food to Wu Changkong.

"With me here, what are you doing in line?" Wu Zhangkong asked strangely.

"Brother, you talk a lot." Wu Changming was very unaccustomed to Wu Changkong talking too much to him, and outsiders would only "um" and "oh".

"Cut." Wuchangkong snorted dismissively.

"Little brother, have we met? Oh! You are Wu Changming, the younger brother of the high-cold male god, right?" the senior at the registration office said excitedly.

"Well, if you want me to take pictures, it's impossible. My brother has already confiscated 13 cameras. You can find a chance to find someone who is not my brother's attention." Wu Changming said indifferently "When I grow up, I will force you to be so handsome." He walked aside.

"Little brother, don't give up! The ancestor Tang San is also a blue silver grass!" the senior sister comforted.

Tang Wulin said firmly, "I'm used to it."

"Hey, brother, wait for me." Wu Changming said.

Tang Wulin asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

"I know you live in the same dormitory with me, we two go together." Wu Changming pulled into the relationship and said.

"Okay!" Tang Wulin couldn't bear Wu Changming's enthusiasm.


in the dormitory.

"Put down my quilt quickly. Otherwise, I'll beat you up." Tang Wulin said angrily.

"Tch, you country bumpkin, what can you do to me?" the dragon said arrogantly.

"Fist." Tang Wulin punched the dragon out of the window.

At this time, Xie Xie walked in and stepped on the quilt.

"Get up." Tang Wulin said angrily.

"Cut. Country bumpkin." Xie Xie said dismissively.

"I hate high-ranking people like you the most." Tang Wulin said angrily, frustrated with his self-esteem.

According to the original book, Xie Xie was defeated.Several people arrived at Director Long's office.

"Let's do this! Tang Wulin, you have to pay for the glass before tomorrow, or you won't come to school." Long Hengxu said.

"Okay." Tang Wulin nodded.

In the afternoon, "Boy, bring me [-] federal dollars?" the glass repairer said indifferently.

"I don't have that much money." Tang Wulin whispered.

"Let me pay!" Wu Changming said. "However, I need you to return it to me as soon as possible."

"Thank you, I will return it to you as soon as possible." Tang Wulin thanked.

"You're welcome, rely on friends when you go out!" Wu Changming said indifferently.


In the class, Wu Changkong said, "Report your innate soul power, your existing soul power, martial soul, you come first."

Tang Wulin flinched and said, "My martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass, and I'm now an eleventh-level soul master."

A trickster said disdainfully, "The cultivation of the useless martial soul to this point has come to an end."

Wuchangkong shot the chalk head at the dragon suit.He said lightly, "If you are a genius, why are you in class five? There are no waste martial souls in the world, only waste soul masters. Reintroduce."

Tang Wulin said warmly in his heart, "My name is Tang Wulin, and I am a martial soul named Blue Silver Grass. My innate soul power is level 3, and now my soul power is level 11."

"My name is Wu Changming, Wuhun Tianshuangjian, born with full soul power, and now the soul power is level 22." Wu Changming said lightly, but he was actually pretending to be aggressive.

"Wow! What a genius! Why is he in Class [-]? His appearance and name are similar! He can't be the teacher's younger brother, right?" All the tricks said.

"My name is Xie Xie. I have a martial spirit of light dragon dagger. I was born with full soul power. Now my soul power is level 18." Xie Xie said proudly.


a few days later.

The whole class was walking on the playground with heavy loads. A girl found Wu Changkong who was watching from the side and said, "Teacher, I'm late, can I still enter the class?"

"What I value is strength, Xie Xie, come here." Wu Changkong said.

Xie Xie began to recover his soul power.

"Teacher, I have recovered." Xie Xie stood up and reported to Wuchangkong.

Wuchangkong said lightly, "Let's start!"

The two sides stood at a distance of 30 meters. It was only then that the girl Gu Yue turned her gaze back and landed on Xie Xie.

"Start!" Wu Changkong said.

Xie Xie's explosive power was indeed astonishing, his body ejected like a vigorous cheetah. The distance of 30 meters quickly narrowed.

Gu Yue seemed a little unresponsive. When she raised her hand, Xie Xie was less than ten meters away from her.

The brilliance on the Guanglong dagger shone, and Xie Xie didn't release his soul skills immediately. As a first-ring soul master, he only has one soul skill in total. Good steel needs you to get it on the blade. The best time to explode.Moreover, looking at his opponent's appearance, it was clear that his reaction was slow, perhaps, he didn't even need to use soul skills.

A ring of soul rings bloomed at Gu Yue's feet. Like Xie Xie, her soul ring also represented a century-old yellow color.

Gu Yue's control over the elements was so ingenious, the six elements turned Xie Xie around, and Xie Xie struggled for a while.

"Teacher, I lost." Xie Xie said discouragedly.

"Okay, keep running. Your name is Gu Yue, right? You go to rest next to him first, and I will solve your student status." Wu Changkong said, then turned and left.

Gu Yue came to Wu Changming's side and said, "Why don't you run with them?"

Wu Changming stopped running "Dragon and Phoenix Body Training Art" and said, "I am practicing a kind of body training method, which is different from them."

"What's your name? My name is Gu Yue." Gu Yue introduced herself.

"My name is Wu Changming." Wu Changming said.


ten days later.

After class in the evening, the four of them were left behind by Wuchangkong, who said, "In the promotion competition, you must win the title of Class One."

(End of this chapter)

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