The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 255 The Messy Lezheng Yu in the Wind

Chapter 255 The Messy Lezheng Yu in the Wind
The lights of the banquet disappeared, only the four corners of the hall had faint lights, and the spotlights shone on Wu Changming, who walked onto the high platform.

"Hi everyone, I am Wu Changming, and I will sing "What I Want in Life" for everyone." Wu Changming bowed slightly.

"He is Wu Changming." Surprised voices came and went, showing how popular Wu Changming's songs were among the nobles of the Star Luo Empire.

"Please be quiet, everyone." Wu Changming smiled, watching everyone stop talking, "The music starts, and those who can sing can sing along."

"it is good."

"I can't rest in the cold and warm. How many autumns have I looked back? I have searched but lost it. I have not hoped for it but I have it in my hand. I can't explain whether I got it or not. I can't explain it. I change it when I hear it. I don’t know where to pursue it. What can I ask for in my life? I often decide to give up and own, exhaust my life, I can't touch it, I run away, what I want in my life, I can never see through it in confusion, I didn't expect that what I lost is already all I have, I can't rest in the cold or warm, Looking back for so many autumns, I searched but lost it, I didn’t expect it but I have it, I can’t explain whether I got it, I can’t explain the gains and losses, I change it as soon as I hear it, I don’t know where to pursue it, what I want in my life, I often decide to give up and have it, Exhausted my whole life, if I can't touch it, I ran away, what I want in my life, I can never see through the confusion, I didn't expect what I lost, it was all mine, what I want in my life, I have compromised and tried hard , every bit of colorfulness in the dream, once it dissipates, how can it be collected, what can I ask for in my life, who cares about praise and curse, I didn't expect that what I lost is already my own, what can I ask for in my life, I often decide to give up and possess, exhaust In my whole life, I ran away if I couldn't touch it. What do I want in my life? I can never see through the confusion. I didn't expect that what I lost is already all I have. What can I ask for in my life." Wu Changming squatted down and lowered his body. Head sang affectionately.

Everyone in the hall was immersed in wonderful memories.

"I Like You" was also a huge success.

"This is a song I just released. It's different from the previous ones. It's for my girlfriend Gu Yue." Wu Changming smiled and looked at Gu Yue.

Gu Yue lowered her head shyly.

The members of the Shrek delegation started booing and whistling.

Wu Changming said with a smile, "I love Gu Yue, and I have loved you for 1 years." He walked around the round platform on the high platform.

"Love you for 1 years, love you withstood the test, surpassed the limitation of time, narrowed the plane of the region, and were closely connected..." At this moment, the music stopped, Wu Changming was stunned for a moment, and then a cappella.


After Wu Changming's song ended, Dai Yun'er took out the microphone and said, "Wu Changming, my father will choose a son-in-law for him soon, just wait!"

Wu Changming looked at Gu Yue, and Gu Yue said via voice transmission, "Be your son-in-law!" and turned to leave.

"Gu Yue." Wu Changming stretched out his hand, then sighed, and sent a voice transmission to Dai Yuner, saying, "Stop making trouble."

Dai Yun'er continued to use the microphone and said, "I'm not making trouble."

"You..." Wu Changming was completely speechless this time.

Dai Tianling said angrily, "Hurry up and drag the princess away."

The left and right guards said, "Yes." They went up to the stage and took Dai Yun'er away.

Wu Changming walked down the stage helplessly, and joined everyone in Shrek Academy.

"Boss, you can do it! You picked up the princess without making a fuss." Xie Xie admired.

"It's wrong for you to do this, what should Gu Yue do?" Yuan En Ye Hui said seriously.

"That's right, it's wrong for you to do this. A man must have a sense of responsibility and be single-minded." Lezheng Yu said righteously.

Wu Changming sneered and said, "I really want to punch you in the face. I don't know who bought the whole bar in order to ask for a communication number? What right do you have to say about me, you!

Lezheng Yu turned around and whistled to resolve the embarrassment.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they thought of this, while Yuan En Ye Hui patted Le Zhengyu on the shoulder with a cold face, and said, "Give me that month's salary."

Le Zhengyu coughed in embarrassment, Xu Lizhi smiled and said, "Zhengyu, a rich man!"

Ye Xinglan walked past Lezheng Yu, and said flatly, "Vulgar."

Xu Xiaoyan smiled and said, "Local tyrant."

Xie Xie smiled and said, "It's okay, you like men now, but don't covet my beauty."

Xu Yuhao smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a side."

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "Local tycoon, let's talk about metal trading in a while."

Wu Changming smiled and said, "Zhengyu, your way of picking up girls is really a fighting chicken among garbage."

Everyone from Shrek Academy left, and Wu Zhangkong, who had always been indifferent, also walked to Le Zhengyu's side, "Learn more from Chang Ming."

Cai Lao smiled and said, "Come on." He patted Le Zhengyu on the shoulder. (What a powerful support!)

Le Zhengyu was left alone to be messed up in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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