Chapter 259 Action
At this time, it was afternoon, and the time for the Green Skull Rebellion to act was tonight.

The sky gradually darkened, and evening was approaching. As the capital of the Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City was the largest city in the Star Luo Empire. In the evening, the streets were crowded with people and the lights were brilliant.It is the busiest time.

Tianxing Theater is a medium-sized theater that puts on some plays every day, mainly historical dramas.

There is still some time until tonight's show, but various preparations have already begun inside the theater.

On the basement floor of the Tianxing Theater, a manhole cover of an underground waterway was moved upwards without a sound, and then black shadows emerged from it.

"According to the plan." A gloomy voice sounded, and one after another black shadows emerged continuously, and then quickly scattered in all directions.

"All fighters are ready, people are coming. The location of the launch, the underground of the theater. Cleaning begins!"

Hei is one, Wu Changming is Hei two.

The ground floor of the Tianxing Theater has a very complicated situation, and concrete columns are used as the foundation to support the entire theater.At this time, black shadows were constantly passing by these pillars, sticking round fixed soul guide bombs on them.

At this moment, all around, figures with masks slipped slowly into the ground from the darkness.

Hei Yi gave an order, and the headset went silent.The next step is to wait for the achievements of the fighters.

In the Star Theater, the audience began to enter.Today's repertoire is very interesting, it is Lingbing Dou Luo Huo Yuhao vs. Black Dragon King.

Wu Changming's headset kept ringing. He liked this kind of anti-terrorism mission very much, but he preferred to direct others rather than participate in it to complete the mission.

"Kill one person, defuse one bomb. Unknown number of enemies."

"Kill three people, there are four bombs in area [-], please dismantle them for support. Thank you Black Two, reinforcements have arrived."

The tactics and personnel layout arranged by Wu Changming are very important. The flow and location of personnel are all carefully arranged by him.

"The enemy has discovered us. Speed ​​up the pace of action. I am Ziyi. Everyone, go all out. Put the bomb first."

"Good job! Watch out for the enemy jumping over the wall."


Wu Changming used the equipment on his wrist, which looked like a small mobile phone, with detailed map information. Hearing the orderly actions of the fighters, he replied, "No. [-] team outflanked area [-]. No. [-] team and No. [-] The teams merged and entered the No. [-] area together to carry out explosive demolition and destroy the enemy.

Team No. [-], follow my command at any time to support all parties. "


Wu Changming smiled slightly and said, "At least everything is in my hands now." He enjoyed the feeling of commanding.

Listening to their conversation, Tang Wulin's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he also wanted to fight.Said, "Black Two, I'm White Three, apply to play."

Wu Changming was stunned for a moment, and said, "Go to the No. 20 area to stand by, break the No.[-] three disciplines, the task is over, and you will receive the second-class punishment from the Tang Sect."

Although Tang Wulin was punished, he was still very excited and said, "Yes."

"Bai Liu will follow. Bai Er and Bai Wu will take their places." Wu Changming said.



"The enemy has started to flee, so give priority to dismantling the bombs. Outer white fighters, I am Zi Yi. Pay attention to the area you are defending. A small number of enemies are fleeing. Once found, if possible, shoot them to death. Report the situation at any time."

Upon hearing this, Wu Changming quickly said, "Squad No. [-] is encircling Area No. [-]. Bai San, Bai Liu, you lead the enemy into the encirclement."

"Yes" they both responded.

Inside the theater, a person said angrily, "Tangmen Fighting Soul Hall has basically eliminated the underground people, and prepared the seven-level fixed-installed soul guide bomb."

Tang Wulin and Bai Liu were startled. With the development of science and technology, the power of fixed-installed soul-guided bombs is constantly increasing. Once such a seven-level fixed-installed soul-guided shell explodes, let alone the theater in front of them, I am afraid that the surrounding area will be hundreds of meters in diameter. Everything within a meter range will be turned into ruins.

Tang Wulin immediately reported, "Black Two, I'm White Three, and I heard above me that someone was preparing a seventh-level custom-installed soul guide bomb."

Wu Changming's expression immediately became serious, "If you have any information, report it immediately."


A black shadow rushed up the wall from inside the theater, and soon there were three people on the wall. The leader was wearing a dark purple battle armor with seven soul rings rising from his body. Judging from the style and complexity of the battle armor, it was A two-word combat armor master.

He carried the custom-installed soul guide shells on his shoulders, and his two companions had already started to place something like a pedestal on the wall.Custom-installed soul guide shells are not easy to fire, and they are extremely destructive. If they want to ensure their own safety while firing, they must go through the base.

Wuchang Ming said, "All white-level fighters reported the situation, the internal bombs have been cleared, and all personnel quickly chased the fleeing enemies."

"Bai Yi, it's normal."

"Bai Er, normal!"


(End of this chapter)

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